The logical extension of discrete mass systems is one of an infinite number of masses. In the limit, this is a continuous system. Take the generalized beam-column as a generic representation:
Have considered the vibrational behavior of a discrete system. How does one use this for a continuous structure? First need the concept of..... Influence Coefficients
Extensional Fault Systems A- Evolutionary model illustrating progressive extension accommodated by block rotation above a low-angle extensional fault. B-Listric fault with hangingwall rollover anticline. Area and B are equal. C-Flat/ramp geometry of fault produces geometrically necessary folding in hangingwall
This vertical view shows the complex caldera at the summit of Olympus Mons on Mars, the highest volcano in our Solar System. Olympus Mons has an average elevation of 22 km and the caldera has a depth of about 3 km This is the first high-resolution colour image of the complete caldera of Olympus Mons. The colour image was taken from a height of 273 km in orbit 37 by the High
Organizational Culture common perception held by the organization's members; a system of shared meaning Innovation and risk taking Attention to detail Outcome, people or team orientation Aggressiveness