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1.一级微扰能和零级波函数 我们知道,微扰展开是
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1.校正的作用 图6-20:曲线I:K小,稳态性能不好 暂态性能满足,稳定性好 曲线Ⅱ:K大,稳态性能好 暂态性能不满足,稳态性能差
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I. Description of the class: The students are freshmen with the age between 17-21. They are not very active and iastic enthusiastic. As a result, they sometimes can not concentrate on what is going on in class. They
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5.1定义和例子 1.令F是一个数域,在F里计算 (i)(2,0,-1)+(-1,-1,2)+(0,1,-1)
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§3.1消元法 1.解以下线性方程组: (i)x1-2x2+x3+x4=1 x1-2x2+x3-x4=-1
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BIOMATERIALS-TISSUE INTERACTIONS: \Tools\ for Understanding the Molecular, Cellular, and Physiological, Bases of the Tissue Response to Implants M. Spector, Ph. D. and I. V. Yannas, Ph.D. BIOMATERIALS-TISSUE INTERACTIONS
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建模和分析(I) 通用的建模问题、建模目的、组织和非功能需求
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4-1: The Demand for Money 4-2: The Determination of the Interest Rate: I 4-3: The Determination of the InterestRate:Ⅱ
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The question of growth is nothing new but new disguise for an age-old issue, one which has always intrigued and preoccupied economics: the present versus the future. -James Tobin If you have ever spoken with your grandparents about what their lives were like when they were young, most likely you learned an important lesson over about economics: material standards of have improved substantially over form time for most families in most countries
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1范围 本方法的检出浓度为0.03mg/L,测定上限为5.0mg/L(相当于10.0mg/LHBO2)可用于饮 用水、地面水中硼的测定。 锡、碲、汞与显色试剂生成白色沉淀,铝、铍、钛、锆钒、镓、钼(VI)生成黄色;铜、 铬生成棕黄色;铁(III)铁(I)均对测定有干扰,可用EDTA加以掩蔽;钾、钠的存在会减缓 反应的速度,但可延长反应时间,在6h后再进行测定而消除干扰
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