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香港中文大学:XML for Interoperable Digital Video Library
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.17MB 文档页数:19
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:4.73MB 文档页数:69
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:109KB 文档页数:11
香港大学:Why were more LPG pumps reported broken at the designated pump stations when the world price of LPG went up?
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:9.09MB 文档页数:28
香港科技大学:Advanced Topics in Next￾Generation Wireless Networks
文档格式:PPTX 文档大小:936.46KB 文档页数:39
• 1.1 What is Digital logic? • 1.2 Digital operations (AND, OR, NOT) • 1.3 Truth table • 1.4 Robot Hardware • 1.5 Software implementation of digital operations
文档格式:PPTX 文档大小:854.48KB 文档页数:28
香港科技大学:Latent Tree Models
文档格式:PPTX 文档大小:585.13KB 文档页数:34
➢ Matlab Description • Where is Matlab • What is Matlab • Matlab Desktop • MATLAB Math Operators ➢ Matrix and Array • Creation, Operation, Concatenation ➢ Workspace Variables ➢ Calling Functions
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.32MB 文档页数:63
香港浸会大学:《Experiencing Cluster Computing》Class 8 Case Studies
文档格式:PPTX 文档大小:665.03KB 文档页数:52
▪Know how to write MIPS assembly language for ▪ Arithmetic operations ▪ Logical operations ▪ Data transfer between registers and memory ▪ Control flow (branching and loops) ▪Understand two different types of byte order
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