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Liquid asset management S CASH- motives for holding casha Transactions: to meet cash needs that arise from doing business. Precautionary: having cash on hand for unexpected needs Speculative: to take advantage of potential profit-making situations
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This document describes the Message-Passing Interface (MPI) standard, version 2.2. The MPI standard includes point-to-point message-passing, collective communications, group and communicator concepts, process topologies, environmental management, process cre￾ation and management, one-sided communications, extended collective operations, external interfaces, I/O, some miscellaneous topics, and a profiling interface. Language bindings for C, C++ and Fortran are defined
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Working-Capital Management Current assets cash, marketable securities, inventory accounts receivable Long- Term Assets equipment, buildings, land Which earn higher rates of return? Which help avoid risk of illiquidity?
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一、课程名称:信息管理学Information Management 二、学时与学分:54学时,3学分 三、适用专业:信息管理与信息系统专业 四、课程教材:
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→库存及其重要性 →有效库存管理系统 →Basic Economic Order Quantity(EOQ)Model 基本经济订货批量模型(EOQ) →Economic Production Quantity(EPQ)Model 经济生产批量模型(EPQ) →Quantity Discount Model数量折扣模型 Safety Stock and Service Level安全库存与服务水平
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→概述 →SCM的益处 →提高供应链绩效 →供应链管理研究
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→OM概念 →组织的三个基本职能 →服务运营与制造运营的比较 →为什么学习运营管理? →OM发展历程 →运营管理与决策 →OM发展趋势
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对外经济贸易大学:《国际财务管理》课程教学资源(案例讨论)Reading Material of International Financial Management
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中国合格评定国家认可委员会:管理体系认证机构认证业务范围能力管理实施指南(CNAS-GC01,2018年11月01日实施)Guidance on management system certification body’s competence management with respect to its certification business scopes
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4.1Modes of Logistics transportationation – 1. Definition of transportationation – 2. Five Basic Transportation Modes and Their Characteristics – 3. Intermodal Transportation – 4. The tendency of Logisitcs Transportation 4.2 Transportation Management – 1. Transport Cost&Pricing Consideration – 2. Issues of transport rationalization 4.3 Distribution Concept and Types
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