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本文包括:(1)炉膛内钢坯加热数学模型;(2)最佳炉温及最低燃耗在线模型。采用一维模型,应用Hottel多层无限大气层间的辐射热交换计算方法,把各火焰射流的作用,当量地看作是夹在上下炉气层之间的一个火焰层。它的平均温度tf可以根据Ricou-Spalding射流吸入经验公式,计算火焰和周围炉气间的质量交换,再按热平衡方程把tf计算出来。钢坯内部传热按一维导热问题,用差分求解。还建立了一个较简单的炉膛传热仿真模型,据此求出各炉段单位炉温对出钢平均温度及中心温度的变化率?θm/?Ti及?θs/?Ti。还可确定最小燃耗函数P的各炉段加权系数Wi。令各段在线炉温调节量ΔTi=(Ti,max-Ti,o)-ΔT'i,这就能在线性规划中用ΔT'i代替ΔTi作为未知量以满足非负条件。这时目标函数Pmin=-sum (ΣWiT'i)。文中还附有一个说明各段炉温按上述线性规划进行最佳控制的例题
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Chapter 4: Cell Membrane and Cell Surface I. Cell membrane I. Cell Junctions I. Cell adhesion IV. Extracellular matrix
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内柱体双悬丝扭摆衰减粘度计至今无一适用于较寬枯度范围的公式。本文从简单的理论推导得出粘度与对数衰减率的大致关系,然后对其进行实验修正,得出粘度的半经验公式为${\\rm{\\eta =}}\\sqrt {\\rm{I}} {\\rm{\\cdot}}{\\Delta ^{1.2}}/{K_0}$。並验证了内柱体双悬丝扭摆的周期公式为${\\rm{\\tau }}=4{\\rm{\\pi }}\\sqrt {{\\rm{LI/Mge}}} $,转动惯量的测定式为I=I已知·τ2·M/τ2已知·(M+M已知)-τ2M。此外还测量了内柱体的插入深度及偏心度与对数衰减率的关系
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本文研究非线性自治大系统$\\frac{{{\\rm{d}}{{\\rm{x}}_{\\rm{i}}}}}{{{\\rm{dt}}}}=\\sum\\limits_{{\\rm{i}}=1}^{\\rm{r}} {{{\\rm{f}}_{{\\rm{ij}}}}({\\rm{xj}})({\\rm{i}}=1, \\ldots,{\\rm{r}})} $这里,xi∈Rni,fij∈C(Rnj,Rni,fij(o)=0,得到保证其零解为全局一致渐近稳定的充分条件(见定理1)
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1 FANUC0i系统主CPU板的构成框图 想对数控系统有一个准确的维修思路,首先要了解该数控系统的硬件结构,为此,本文首先 给出 FANUC0i系统主CP板的构成框图 存储器和主轴楼块
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I. Listening skills Identifying the main Information to go Hong Kong would also like me to visit him. What should I do w: You may miss your uncle and be sorry about not seeing Hong Kong, but I really think driving from city to city with friends would be more fun uncle Hong ko fu
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Using the Road Map Series for Successful Review . 1. Cell Physiology. I. Plasma Membrane II. Ion Channels III. Cell Signaling IV. Membrane Potential V. Structure of Skeletal Muscle VI. Neuromuscular and Synaptic Transmission VII. Smooth Muscle Clinical Problems Answers 2. Cardiovascular Physiology I. General Principles II. Hemodynamics III. Electrophysiology IV. Cardiac Muscle and Cardiac Output V. Cardiac Cycle with Pressures and ECG VI. Regulation of Arterial Pressure VII. Control Mechanisms and Special Circulations VIII. Integrative Function Clinical Problems Answers 3. Respiratory Physiology. I. Lung Volumes and Capacities II. Muscles of Breathing III. Lung Compliance IV. Components of Lung Recoil V. Airway Resistance
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Chapter 1 The Scope of Orientalism I. Knowing the Oriental 31 H. Imaginative Geography and Its Representations: Orientalizing the Oriental 49 III. Projects 73 IV. Crisis 92 Chapter 2 Orientalist Structures and Restructures I. Redrawn Frontiers, Redefined Issues, Secularized Religion 113 II. Silvestre de Sacy and Ernest Renan: Rational Anthropology and Philological Laboratory 123 III. Oriental Residence and Scholarship: The Requirements of Lexicography and Imagination 149 IV. Pilgrims and Pilgrimages, British and French 166 Chapter Orientalism Now I. Latent and Manifest Orientalism 201 II. Style, Expertise, Vision: Orientalism's Worldliness 226 III. Modern Anglo-French Orientalism in Fullest Flower 255 IV. The Latest Phase 284
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Model test one Part I Listening Comprehension(20 minutes) SECTION A I hear 10 short conversations. At the tion will be asked about what was said. both th e conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question th ere will be a pause during the pause, you must read the four choices marked A) B), C)and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
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