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一、说明 1、课程的性质、地位和任务 本课程为英语专业高年级专业方向课,旨在使学生对英国文学形成和发展的全貌有一个 大致的了解;并通过阅读具有代表性的重点作品,理解作品的内容,学会分析作品的艺术特 色,并努力掌握正确评价文学作品的标准和方法,提高学生的文学欣赏水平及其文学批评能 力。本课程还同语言教学相结合,增强学生语言表达能力
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6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Janbon 综合症 Janbon's syndrome PPB 浓度 parts per billion concentration pphm 浓度 parts per hundred million concentration PPH 浓度 parts per hundred concentration ppm 浓度 parts per million concentration 安全范围 safety range 安全试验法 innocuity test method
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1.Objectives of this lecture; 2.Definition of a sentence; 3.Types of sentences; 4.Sentence patterns; 5.Short and long sentences; 6.Loose and periodic sentences; 7.Ways to establish links between sentences; 8.Common sentence problems
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1.Dialect varieties 1) ethnic dialect 2) language and gender 3) Pidgin and Creole 4) bilingualism and diglossia 2.Register : 1) field and course 2)mode of discourse 3)tenor of discourse 3.Language and Culture 1) Definition of culture 2) The relationship between Language and Culture 3) Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
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• Approaches to language teaching • 1,An overview of language teaching • a, History • b, Different approaches • 2,The relation of linguistics to language teaching . • a, Relation • b, The definition of applied linguistics • C, language teaching method and linguistic theories
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1.1 The nature of language 1.2 The properties of human language 1.3 The functions of language 1.4 The origin of language 1.5 The development of writing 1.6 The scope of linguistics
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1 What Is Economics 2 Needs and Wants 3 Supply and Demand 4 Consumer Market In China   5 What Is International Business? 6 Brief History of Business 7 Business Environment 8 What is Production 9 Factors of Production 10 Product Life Cycle 11 PRODUCT ADAPTATION AND PRESENTATION 12 PRODUCT PACKAGING AND LABELING   13 INTERNATIONAL MARKET RESEARCH 14 MARKET SELECTION 15 FREE TRADE 16 TARIFF BARRIER 17 Non-Tariff Barrier 18 Trade Fairs   19 The World Trade Organization   20 What is Exporting 21 Export Procedure 22 Export Product   23 Export Marketing 24 Export Marking 25 Export Communications 26 Export Documentation 27 Export Contract 28 Export Pricing 29 Money 30 The Story of Banking   31 Documentary Collection 32 Documentary Credit 33 The Story of Transport 34 Ocean Freight 35 Air Transport 36 The Story of Insurance
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Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Phonology Chapter 3 Morphology Chapter 4 Syntax Chapter 5 Semantics Chapter 6 Pragmatics Chapter 7 Language Change Chapter 8 Language and society Chapter 9 Language and culture Chapter 10 Language acquisition Chapter 11 Second Language Acquisition
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Chapter 1 Reservation Service Chapter 2 Reception Desk Chapter 3 The Bellman Chapter 4 At the Information Desk Chapter 5 Telephone Operator Chapter 6 Complaints Chapter 7 The Business Center Chapter 8 The Casher Chapter 9 At the Conference Chapter 10 Receiving guests Chapter 11 Chamber Service Chapter 12 Reservation Service Chapter 13 Laundry Service Chapter 14 Miscellaneous Service Chapter 15 Maintenance Service Chapter 16 Reservation Service Chapter 17 Chinese Food Chapter 18 Serving Dishes Chapter 19 Offering Room Serving Chapter 20 At the Bar Chapter 21 Western Food and Buffet Chapter 22 Ways of Paying Chapter 23 At the Arts and Crafts Chapter 24 At the Souvenir Chapter 25 At the Food Shop Chapter 26 At Sing and Dance Hall Chapter 27 At the Health Club Chapter 28 At the Chess Chapter 29 At the Beauty Center
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People and issues – Text (A) Text study Background information Words and expressions Text Looking at the text Working with words Listening Listening 1 Listening 2 Listening 3 Personal view – Text (B) Text study Background information Words and expressions Text Looking at the text Working with words Listening 4 Listening 5 Listening Speaking
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