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一、学科平台课程 1 《现代汉语 I》 2《现代汉语 II》 3 《古代汉语 I》 4《古代汉语 II》 5《语言学概论》 6 《文学概论》 7 《基础写作》 二、专业课程 1 《应用语言学》 2《对外汉语教学概论》 3 《中国现当代文学》 4 《中国古代文学》 5 《中国文化通论》 6 《对外汉语教学法》 7《跨文化交际》 8《英语写作》 9 《英汉汉英翻译》 三、个性化发展课程 1《汉字与传统文化》 2 《汉语词汇学》 3 《汉语言规范》 4 《对外汉语实用语法》 5 《外国文学》 6 《教育心理学》 7《书法》 8《英语口语》 9《英语听力》 10《教师教学能力训练》 11《韩语》 12《日语》 13《汉语课堂教学实践》 14《唐诗宋词鉴赏》 15《明清小说鉴赏》 16《中华民俗》 17《中华才艺》 18《社会语言学》 19《中医常识》 20《实用文体写作》 21《现代语文教师职业技能》 22《第二语言习得概论》 四、实践环节 1《学年论文》 2《专业见习》 3 《毕业实习》 4 《毕业论文》
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Teaching Objectives 1. know the background of \Middle Eastern Bazaar?\ 2. grasp the main idea and the theme of this essay 3. master the language used in a special way in the essay 4. appreciate the description writing skills in advanced level 5. conduct a series of discussing, analyzing, presenting activities related to the theme of this essay
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Part 1 The importance of phonetic study 1)Phonetics is the science of speech sounds. It deals with the sound system of a language. A language consists of three important elements, namely, speech sounds, vocabulary and grammar. Speech sound is the material form on which word and grammar rely for existence. Divorced from speech sound, word and grammar are non-existent. So the first
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1 Introduce the activity. Q1: How to make a suggestion? 2. Alone or in pairs, learners match the remaining functions to the actual words. 3. Check their answers and then elicit alternatives for each function
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Test for New Integrated English Band I(1-A) Key to Test for New Integrated English Part I Listening comprehension Section A 1-5 BDABD 6-10 BCADO Section B 11-15 DDBDA Section C 16.I decided to test it 17. walked in the front door
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Unit 14 Entertaining 14.1 Taking a guest to dinner (1) Language in use Read this text. Where do the sentences in the box belong? If you arrive at a restaurant before your host, wait at the bar B If you're not sure you can go, call and explain your situation
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Oral Test for New Integrated English Band(1-B) 1. Read the following passage and you are expected to answer the questions based on it. A certain old gentleman was very unhappy about modern education, and thought that young people nowadays were not being taught the importance of knowing the
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Unit 6 Day-to-day work 6.1 Talking about your work (1)Listening Listen to Ana Campos talking about her working hours. Are these statements true (T)or false(F)? 1 She starts works at 7.30. 2 She finishes work at 4.00 3 She has lunch at 12.00. 4 She has one hour for lunch. 5 She works a 40-hour week
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Preparation What do you think of college? Or what kind of college life did you expect to have before you cametere? What do you expect to learn at college, more book knowledge or more practical social experience? Do you think you will relax after entering the college or you will study ten harder than in high school?
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