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Evaporation and sputter deposition [15] 1. a)In the plasma of a sputter deposition system, consider an argon atom that is ionized during a collision in the plasma. i) Express the ratio of the acceleration of the liberated electron to that of the argon ion in terms of M and m, the mass of the ion and electron; give the numerical value of this ratio, and say in which
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Rellablllty of semiconductor I CS plus spin-based electronics 6. 12J/3.155J Microelectronic processing Read Campbell, p. 425-428 and Ch. 20 Sec. 20.1, 20.2: Plummer, Sec. 11.5.6 IC reliability: Yield=( operating parts)/(total# produced) Particles on surface interrupt depositions, flaw devices
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5-4、玻印亭向量与玻印亭定理(ⅡI) 5-6、动态位 5-7、达朗贝尔方程的解 5-8、电磁辐射
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3.1磁感应强度 3.2磁通连续性·安培环路定律·真空中恒定磁场的基本方程
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扩大的凯恩斯宏观经济模型 Keynes之前的古典学派认为,投资、储 蓄均与利率有关,投资是利率的减函数 储蓄是利率的增函数,利率上升 投 资减少,储蓄增加,当I=S时均衡的利率 水平得以确定。 Keynes认为利率本质上只与货币市场有 关,不是由储蓄和投资决定的,而是由 货币供给和货币需求决定
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2.7.刚体动力学的基本概念(参阅教材§4.4.-§4.9.) 1.刚体是一种特殊的质点系,质点系动力学的研究方法也适用于刚体,把动力学的三大定理 应用到刚体,所得结果就是111页(4.1.)(4.2.)和(4.3.)。由于刚体的自由度是6,三大 定理有七个方程,取其中六个方程就足以决定刚体的运动了。 鉴于刚体内部约束的特点(任意两质点间的距离保持不变),内力所作的功为零(证明见后) 动能定理(4.3)式已经得到化简;内势能一般取决于各对质点间的距离(而与相对的取向无关),因 而内势能也是常数,可以不予考虑(相当于调整计算势能的零点,使内势能为零) 刚体内力所作功为零的证明: F=F,F,是质点j作用于质点i的力,沿这两个质点的连线,满足F=-F 因而可表为F=n(-),(=):于是可计算成对内力所做的元功:
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United Nations Convention on the law of the sea CONTENTS PREAMBLE e22 PARTL INTRODUCTION Article I Use of terms and scope
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Contents 5. Word-Formation I: the Major Processes 6. Word-Formation: the Minor Processes 7. Motivation
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Chapter 12 Time Series Analysis 12.1 Stochastic processes A stochastic process is a family of random variables {Xt,t ET}. Example{St,t 0, 1,2,...} where St i=o X; and iid(0,2). St has a different distribution at each point t
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Molecular Principles of Biomaterials Spring 2003 Lecture 2: Molecular Design and Synthesis of Biomaterials I: Biodegradable Materials Chemistry of Biodegradable Materials Hydrolytically degraded biomaterials Common hydrolytically unstable linkages Ester
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