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《微生物学》课程教学资源(PPT课件,英文)Chapter 5 Viruses
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《微生物学》课程教学资源(PPT课件,英文)Chapter 2 Cell biology
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《微生物学》课程教学资源(PPT课件,英文)Chapter 4 Eukaryotic Microorganisms
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7.1双底物酶反应机制 7.2双底物顺序反应动力学
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Adult: the last stage of insects, ontogeny. 成虫昆虫个体发育中的最后一个虫态
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10.5 Genetic Recombination 10.6 Genetic Transformation 10.7 Transduction 10.8 Plasmids
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8.8 Attenuation 8.9 Other Global Control Networks 8.10 Signal Transduction and Two￾Component egulatory Systems 8.11 Regulation of Chemotaxis
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2.4 Physiological Diversity of Microorganisms 2.5 Prokaryotic Diversity 2.6 Eukaryotic Microorganisms 4.4. Cell Morphology and the Significance of BeingSmall 4.5 Cytoplasmic Membrane: Structure 4.6 Cytoplasmic Membrane: Function 4.8 The Cell Wall of Prokaryotes: Peptidoglycan andRelated Molecules 4.9 The Outer Membrane of Gram-Negative Bacteria
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5.1 Microbial Nutrition 5.2 Culture Media 5.3 Laboratory Culture of Microorganisms 6.1 Cell Growth and Binary Fission 6.2 Peptidoglycan Synthesis and Cell Division 6.3 Population Growth 6.4 The Growth Cycle 6.5 Direct Measurements of Microbial Growth 6.6 Indirect Measurements of MicrobialGrowth
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