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面对亚洲金融危机,香港特区政府为了应对国 际投机“大鳄”的市场炒作,于1998年8月动用迁千 亿港元入市操作;1998年9月5日,为了进一步巩固 香港的货币发行局制度,减低投机者操纵市场使银 行同业市场和利率出现动荡的机会,香港金管局推 出7项技术性措施,这7项措施集中在港元兑美元的 兑换保证和有关银行港元流动资金贴现方面的新措 施两个方面。1998年9月7日,为了严格治市纪律, 强化金融监管,香港特别行政区财政司公布了严格 香港证券及期货市场纪律的30条措施
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An alternative to the NPV Rule for Capital Investments Define stochastic processes for the key underlying variables and use risk- neutral valuation This approach (known as the real options approach) is likely to do a better job at valuing growth options, abandonment options, etc than NPV
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Credit ratings In the s&P rating system, AAA is the best rating. After that comes AA, A BBB. BB.B. and ccc The corresponding Moody's ratings are Aaa. Aa,a. Baa, Ba.b. and caa Bonds with ratings of BBB (or Baa) and above are considered to be investment grade
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The Two-Factor Hul-white Model (equation 24.1, page 571) dx=0(0)+u-ax dt +o,dz1 du= -but +o,dz, where=f(r and the correlation between dz, and dz, is p The short rate reverts to a level dependent on u, and u itself is mean reverting
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Why Interest rate Derivatives are Much more difficult to value Than Stock Options We are dealing with the whole term structure of interest rates; not a single variable The probabilistic behavior of an individual interest rate is more complicated than that of a stock price Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 5th edition C 2002 by John C. Hull
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Models to be Considered Constant elasticity of variance (CEV) Jump diffusion Stochastic volatility Implied volatility function (IVF) Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives
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Binomial trees are frequently used to approximate the movements in the price of a stock or other asset In each small interval of time the stock price is assumed to move up by a proportional amount u or to move down by a proportional amount d Options
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What loss level is such that we are y%o confident it will not be exceeded in n business days?
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A bank has sold for $300,000 a European call option on 100,000 shares of a nondividend paying stock S=49,K=50,=5%,=20% T=20 weeks,μ=13%
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The Stock Price Assumption Consider a stock whose price is s In a short period of time of length 8t, the return on the stock is normally distributed
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