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复旦大学:《纳米线材料和功能器件》课程教学资料_纳米线与光能转化_A Fully Integrated Nanosystem of Semiconductor Nanowires for Direct Solar Water Splitting
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第一节 脂溶性维生素 Lipid-soluble Vitamin 第二节 水溶性维生素 Water-soluble Vitamin 第三节 微量元素 Trace Element 第四节 钙、磷及其代谢 Metabolism of Calcium and Phosphorus
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:2.01MB 文档页数:106
The P&T Company Distribution Problem (Section 6.1)(P&T公司的配送问题) Characteristics of Transportation Problems (Section 6.2)(运输问题的特征) Variants of Transportation Problems: Better Products (Section 6.3)(运输问题的 变形:求佳产品公司问题) Variants of Transportation Problems: Nifty (Section 6.3)(运输问题的变形:耐芙迪公司问题) Applications of Transportation Problems: Metro Water (Section 6.4)(运输问题的应用:米德罗水管站问题) Applications of Transportation Problems: Northern Airplane (Section 6.4)(运输问题的应用:北方飞机制造公司问题) Middletown (Section 6.4)(运输问题的应用:米德尔学区问题) Applications of Transportation Problems: Energetic (Section 6.4)(运输问题的应用:源丰公司问题) A Case Study: Texago Corp. Site Selection Problem (Section 6.5)(运输问题的应用:特赛格公司的选址问题) Characteristics of Assignment Problems: Sellmore (Section 6.6)(指派问题的特征:塞尔默公司问题) Variants of Assignment Problems: Job Shop (Section 6.7)(指派问题的变形:娇普肖普公司问题) Variants of Assignment Problems: Better Products (Section 6.7)(指派问题的变形:求佳产品公司问题) Variants of Assignment Problems: Revised Middletown (Section 6.7)(指派问题的变形:米德尔学区的新问题)
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1 Fundamentals and Cell Physiology 2 Nerve and Muscle, Physical Work 3 Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) 4 Blood 5 Respiration 6 Acid–Base Homeostasis 7 Kidneys, Salt, and Water Balance 8 Cardiovascular System 9 Thermal Balance and Thermoregulation 10 Nutrition and Digestion 11 Hormones and Reproduction 12 Central Nervous System and Senses 13 Appendix Further Reading Index
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华东师范大学:《植物生理学》课程资源(实验课教学课件)植物组织水势的测定——小液流法和质壁分离法 Water potential in the plant
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西安石油大学:《油藏物理(油层物理学)Petro-physics》精品课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第2章 储层流体的高压物性 第3节:地层水的高压物性 physics property of formation water
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西安石油大学:《油藏物理(油层物理学)Petro-physics》精品课程教学资源(英文课件)Flow 3.1 wettability and the distribution of oil and water in the porous media 油藏岩石的润湿性及油水分布
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水波 (Water Waves) 表面波 (Free Surface Waves) 表面重力波 (Surface Gravity Waves)
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海水组成(Constituents of Seawater) 海水的物理性质(Physical Property of Sea Water) 温、盐、密概念及之间关系(Temperature & Salinity & Density) 海冰(Sea Ice)
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行业标准:GB/T 19409-2003 水源热泵机组 Water-source heat pumps
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