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了解预算的作用,预算的多种编制方法,重 点掌握全面预算的内容及编制程序
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1.利润的构成 财务成果是企业生产经营活动形成的最终的成果,即盈利或亏损
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第一节财务会计报告编制准备概述 第二节账项调整 第三节对账与结帐 第四节会计工作底稿
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Efficiency v. Equity – Efficiency means society gets the most that it can from its scarce resources. – Equity means the benefits of those resources are distributed fairly among the members of society
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International Trade What determines whether a countryimports or exports a good? Who gains and who loses from free tradeamong countries? What are the arguments that people usedto advocate trade restrictions?
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“In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” . . . Benjamin Franklin 0 20 40 60 80 100 1789 Taxes paid in Ben Franklin’s time accounted for 5 percent of the average American’s income
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Factors of Production Factors of production are the inputs used to produce goods and services
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Differences in Earningsin the U.S. Today The typical physician earns about $200,000a year. The typical police officer earns about$50,000 a year. The typical farm worker earns about$20,000 a year
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The Theory of Consumer Choice The theory of consumer choice addresses the following questions: – Do all demand curves slope downward? – How do wages affect labor supply? – How do interest rates affect household saving?
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A firm, using two inputs K and L to produce one product, whose production function is 2 / 5 3/ 5 Q = 25L K
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