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维生素B族为水溶性维生素,有B1、B2、PP、B6、泛酸、生物素、叶酸及 B12,在生物体内通过构成辅酶而发挥作用。 (一)VitB1(硫胺素)和TTP(硫胺素焦磷酸): 结构式见P441图11-6,活性部位为噻唑环2-位,C2上的H易离开(为 3位N稳定)
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从厌氧生物转化为好氧生物是生物进化中的一大进步。脊椎动物中血红蛋白 在血液中起到载氧和输氧的作用,肌红蛋白在肌肉中起贮氧和氧在肌肉中分配的作用。 (一)肌红蛋白(Mb)的结构与功能 (1)三维结构:由一条多肽链和一个血红素辅基构成,相对分子量16700, 含153个氨基酸残基。分子中多肽链由8段α-螺旋组成,分子结构致密 结实,带亲水基团侧链的氨基酸分布在分子外表面,疏水氨基酸侧链几乎 全埋在分子内部,见P253图6-1
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细胞的外周膜(质膜)和内膜系统统称为生物膜。生物膜结构是细胞结构的基本形 式 生物膜主要由蛋白质(包括酶)、脂质(主要是磷脂)和糖类组成。生物膜的组分因 膜的种类不同而不同,如P589(表18-1),一般功能复杂或多样的膜
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5. Aromatic Compounds p: 153 Aromatic was used to described some fragrant compounds in early 19th century Not correct: later they are grouped by chemical behavior(unsaturated compounds that undergo substitution rather than addition Current: distinguished from aliphatic compounds by electronic configuration
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4.1 Addition of hx to Alkenes. p100 Hydrohalogenation General reaction mechanism: electrophilic addition Attack of electrophile(such as hBr)on T bond of alkene Produces carbocation and bromide ion Carbocation is an electrophile, reacting with nucleophilic bromide ion
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第二章单层厂房 2.1概述 2.1.1单层厂房的特点(P80) 2.1.2单层厂房的结构分类 1.按承重结构的材料分类 (1)混合结构(砖柱、钢筋混凝土屋架或木屋架或轻钢屋架 (2)混凝土结构(钢筋混凝土柱、钢屋架或预应力混凝土屋
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肿瘤显像 一、肿瘤的正电子发射断层显像(PET) 二、肿瘤阳离子灌注显像 201T、99mc-mibi、99mtc-P53 三、67Ga肿瘤显像 四、99mtc(v)-dmsA肿瘤显像
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The TCP/P Protocol Suite Transmission Control Protocol Internet protocol Developed by darPa to connect Universities and Research Labs Four Layer model Applications Telnet, FTP, email, etc Transport TCP, UDP Network IP ICMP, IGMP Link
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第一节SQL注入技术 第二节|P欺骗技术 第三节Snie技术 第四节 Port scanner技术 第五节 Torjan horse 第六节DDOS技术 第七节计算机病毒 第八节WwW的安全问题
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Information content of a random variable Random variable x Outcome of a random experiment Discrete R V takes on values from a finite set of possible outcomes PMF: P(X=y)=Py) How much information is contained in the event X=y? Will the sun rise today Revealing the outcome of this experiment provides no information Will the Celtics win the NBa championship? Since this is unlikely, revealing yes provides more information than revealing Events that are less likely contain more information than likely events
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