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8-2同余式 8.2.1有理整数环中的同余的定义 定义8.5设m是一个正整数,若a,b∈Z,且ba∈(m),亦即m(b-a),则 称b与a模m同余,记作b=a(modm)。不难得到,b与a模m同余就是它们用m做带 余除法所得的余数相同。整数模m同余为一等价关系,验证如下: 1、反身性:a=a(modm) 2、对称性:若b=a(modm),则a=b(modm) 3、转递性:若a=b(modm),b=c(modm),则
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1、取{2m,3n|m≥1,n1}中由小到大排列的前70项数。 #include void main()
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1.在298.15K时,47%(质量)的硫酸溶液,其密度为1060.3kg·m-3。在该温度下纯水的密度为9971kg·m-3。求: (1)质量摩尔浓度(m). (2)物质的量浓度(c). (3)硫酸的物质的量分数(x)
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SIZE OF BACTERIA Unit for measurement : Micron or micrometer,μm: 1μm=10-3mm Size: Varies with kinds of bacteria, and also related to their age and external environment
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1.将lcm3的油分散到水中,形成油滴半径为1m的乳状液,求所 需的最小功。设油水之间界面张力为62×10-3N·m-l
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§1 基本概念 §2 输入过程与服务时间的分布 §3 生灭过程 §4 M / M /s 等待制排队模型 §5 M / M / s/ s 损失制排队模型 §6 M / M / s 混合制排队模型 §7 其它排队模型简介 §8 排队系统的优化 §9 产生给定分布的随机数的方法 §10 排队模型的计算机模拟
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一、标准的M/M/1模型(M/M/1/∞/∞ 1问题的一般提法 设:泊松输入/负指服务/单服务台/系统无限制/顾客源无限制 求:(1)系统状态概率Pn (2)系统运行指标L3,Lq,W3,Wq
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习题18-3 解:火车的固有长度为l=300m火车速度为v=100(km.h-)=250/9(m.s)
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INTRODUCTION I CONSIDERING LEGAL ORIGINS A The Classic Differences B Legal Origins and Financial Progress i Protecting M inority Stockholders via Fiduciary Duties 2 Overregulating Financial M arkets C The Differences Erode D Can Legal Origin Anchor Law as the Primary Cause? II STATE POWER AND LEGAL ORIGIN IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY A The Rise of the Regulatory State in the Twentieth Century B The Power of the State i A Timeline of State Power in the Twentieth Century 2 Timelines of Government Budgets, Government Transfers, and Financial M arkets 3 Regulating Financial and Labor M arkets 4 Instruments and Power C Which System Regulates Securities M arkets M ore? i Regulatory Budgets 2 T he S E C 4 II REEXAMINING THE DATA: DO POLITICAL ECONOMY DIFFERENCES BETTER EXPLAIN FINANCIAL DIFFERENCES? A Reexamining Legal Origins as Predicting Ownership Separation in the W ealthy W est i Corporate Law, Legal Origin, and Legislative Policy 2 The World W ars 3 Invasions and Military Occupation: The Tw
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1、据基数效用论的消费均衡条件若M1≠M2,消费者应如何调整两种 A P 商品的购买量?为什么?若≠,i=1、2有应如何调整?为什么?
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