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To be a great champion you must believe you are the best If you're not pretend you area! Muhammad ali
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第一节 脱水和水中毒 第二节 正常钾代谢及钾代谢障碍
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一、水肿的概念和分类(Concept& Classification) 1.概念(Concept) 水肿是指过多体液在组织细胞间隙或体腔中积聚
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Cellular Mechanism of Disease 致病因素作用于机体后,能通过不同的途径造成细胞损伤, 从而引起疾病的发生
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一、体液的分布( Distribution of body fluids) 表1正常人体液的分布和容量(占体重%) 成人(男)儿童新生儿老年人
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《病理生理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)缺血-再灌注损伤 Ischemia-reperfusion injury(IRI)
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Section 1 Concept of hepatic failure Section 2 Hepatic Encephalopathy Section 4 Hepatic Renal Failure
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Introduction Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE) Concept, Clinical features and classification Pathogenesis Precipitating factors of HE Principles of treatment for HE Hepatorenal Syndrome (HRS) Concept Pathogenesis
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