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《金融投资学》教学资源(英文文献)overconfidence and speculative bubbles
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《金融投资学》教学资源(英文文献)Market efficiency, long-term returns, and behavioral finance
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《金融投资学》教学资源(英文文献)Bondholder Losses in Leveraged Buyouts
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《金融投资学》教学资源(英文文献)Bond and Stock Market Response to Unexpected Earnings Announcements
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《金融投资学》教学资源(英文文献)Behavior Based Manipulation——Theory and Prosecution Evidence
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《金融投资学》教学资源(英文文献)measuring the predictable variation in stock and bond returns
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《金融投资学》教学资源(英文文献)constraints on short-selling and asset price adjustment to private information
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《金融投资学》教学资源(英文文献)The long-run performance of stock returns following debt offerings
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《金融投资学》教学资源(英文文献)Implementing Statistical Criteria to Select Return Forecasting Models
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《金融投资学》教学资源(英文文献)dynamic portforlio choice and asset pricing with differential informations
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