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酶 一、维生素概论 (一)维生素的定义 维生素是机体维持正常生命活动所必不可少的一类有机物质。需要量极微,主要由外界供给; 不是细胞组成成分,也不是供能物质,而是参与物质代谢的调节;
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一、蛋白质构象(高级结构)的研究方法 到目前为止,研究蛋白质高级结构的方法仍然是 以射线衍射法(X--ray diffraction method)为主,X射 线衍射法的原理是:当X射线(=500nm)投射到蛋白 质晶体样品时,蛋白质分子内部结构受到激动,入 射线反射波互相叠加产生衍射波,衍射波含有被测 蛋白质构造的全部信息,通过摄影即可得一张衍射 图案(diffraction pattern),再用电脑进行重组,即可 绘出一张电子密度图(electro density map)。从电子密 度图可以得到样品的三维分子图象,即分子结构的 模型
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肽为氨基酸的线性聚合物,蛋白质是由一条或多条多肽链构成。 (一)肽和肽键结构 肽的命名从N端开始到COOH端,氨基酸残基按顺序从左向右写, nh2末端在左,cOOH端在右。如Ser-ly-phe,称为:丝氨酰甘氨酰苯 丙氨酸 一般氨基酸数目20的肽为多肽
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一、蛋白质的降解 二、氨基酸的分解代谢 三、尿素的形成 四、氨基酸碳骨架的氧化途径 五、生糖氨基酸和生酮氨基酸 六、由氨基酸衍生的其他重要物质 七、氨基酸代谢缺陷症
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动植物检验检疫是食品质量与安全专业的一门专业选修课。它是以生物学、化学保护等 为基础,融合了法律的内容。它属于国家或地区农业安全生产、国民经济发展、为保障人们 生活及生命需要服务的学科领域。学习本课程的主要任务是掌握动植物检疫病害的识别、鉴 定、和处理技术。本课程系统介绍国家颁布的出入境检疫法规,病原真菌、细菌、病毒、线 虫等检验技术,检疫病虫的特征
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一、脂质的消化、吸收和传送 二、脂肪酸的氧化 三、不饱和脂肪酸的氧化 四、酮体 五、磷脂的代谢 六、鞘脂类的代谢 七、甾醇的代谢 八、脂肪酸代谢的调节
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1. Proteins are extremely versatile in function and crucial in virtually all biological processes. 1.1 Almost all chemical reactions occurring in living organisms are catalyzed by enzymes. 1.1.1 Many thousands of enzymes have been discovered, each catalyzing a different kind of chemical reaction
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1. Lipids encompass a large and diverse group of organic compounds 1.1 Lipids are broadly defined as biological molecules that are soluble in organic solvents. 1.1.1 Lipids are usually extracted from biological materials by nonpolar solvents like ether, chloroform(氯仿), benzene(苯). 1.2 The biological functions of lipids are diverse. 1.2.1 Certain lipids(e.g., triacylglycerols(三脂酰甘油), commonly called fats) serve as efficient reserves for the storage of energy
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1. The nucleic acids, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), are polymers of nucleotide units 1.1 DNA consists of four kinds of deoxyribonucleotide units linked together through covalent bonds 1.1.1 Each nucleotide unit is made of a nitrogenous base (the various part in the four different deoxyribonucleotides), a pentose sugar and a phosphate group
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1. Hemoglobin is a multisubunit allosteric rotein that carries 02 in erythrocyte. 1.1 Hemoglobin is a well-studied and well-understood protein. 1.1.1 It was one of the first proteins to have its molecular mass accurately determined. 1.1.2 The first protein to be characterized by ultracentrifuge. 1.1.3 The first protein to be associated with a specific physiological function
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