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主持人:好,请武教授马上给咱们带来一场精彩的学术报告,深入浅出的学术报告,叫做“什么是分 岔”。好,有请。 武际可:我今天讲的是关于分岔的问题。分岔在英文叫做 Bifurcation,这个词在中文里头大概有六种 翻译,我看到的有六种翻译,每个含义用词都用得不一样,有的叫分叉、有的叫分枝、还有的叫分歧等等
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第一章大气动力学发展回顾与展望 第二章大气运动的坐标系与方程组一一 第三章大气中的涡旋运动 第四章大气的准地转运动 第五章大气边界层 第六章波动理论 第七章 Rossby波的传播与演变 第八章大气的非线性运动
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一、前言 二、波的基本概念 三、平面简谐波方程 四、波动方程与波速 五、平均能流密度·声强与声压 六、波的叠加和千涉·驻波 七、多普勒效应
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置换密码(列置换密码和周期置换密码) 代换密码(单表代换密码、多表代换密码和维尔姆密码) 典型传统密码的分析(统计分析法和明文-密文对分析法)
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violent crimes robbery, aggravated assault hijack forcible rape, murder, bombing kidnapping, shooting a Property crimes arson, burglary, larceny-theft, fraud, motor/ vehicle theft Neighborhood Watch in Britain, there is an arrangement by which people who live in a particular
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本讲主要内容: 数字签名的简介 基于RSA数字签名 基于离散对数数字签名 ElGamal数字签名 Schnorr数字签名 DSA数字签名 基于ECC数字签名
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Objectives Students will be able to: 1. understand the main idea (Bill Porter the salesman will never give in) and structure of the text (4 parts, 2 flashbacks); 2. appreciate the characteristics of journalistic writing; 3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;
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Objectives Students will be able to: 1. understand the main idea(cloning is a two- edged sword) and structure of the text; 2. appreciate the writing strategies employed by the author, 3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;
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本讲主要内容: 置换密码(列置换密码和周期置换密码) 代换密码(单表代换密码、多表代换密码和维尔姆密码) 典型传统密码的分析(统计分析法和明文-密文对分析法)
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:0.99MB 文档页数:26
Students will be able to: 1. understand the main idea and structure of the text; 2. appreciate how the repeated use of clues helps weave a piece of narration together; 3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structure in the text
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