第一节 食品生产通用卫生规范 第二节 HACCP在食品卫生管理中的应用 第一节HACCP的概念(Concept of HACCP) 第二节 HACCP的发展历史(History of HACCP) 第三节 HACCP实施的前提条件(precondition of HACCP) 第三节 HACCP 实施的前提条件(precondition of HACCP) 第1节食品良好生产规范(GMP) 第2节卫生标准操作程序(SSOP) Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure 第3节 HACCP计划的预先步骤 Steps in advance of HACCP plan 第四节危害分析与关键控制点(HACC) Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
Brucellosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria of the genus Brucella These bacteria are primarily passed among animals, and they cause disease in many different vertebrates Various Brucella species affect sheep, goats, cattle, deer, elk, pigs, dogs, and several other animals Humans become infected by coming in contact witl animals or animal products that are contaminated with these bacteria