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1、排尿障碍有哪些异常表现?临床意义? 2、泌尿系统检查的内容和方法? 3、公、母畜外生殖器检査及乳房检査应注意哪些问题?
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一、传热在化工中的应用 二、热源和冷源 三、传热的三种基本方式 四、两种流体热交换的基 五、典型的间壁式换热器
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【温故知新】 1、组合体的组成方式有哪几种?
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1. to know the three basic processes of PCM: Sampling Quantizing Encoding Teaching 2. to understand that PCM is the heart of technology in communications in Objectives
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1. to know the operation and advances of WDM and optical network Teaching 2. to understand the main idea and organization of the text; Objectives 3.to master some important new words, phrases and their
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I. Revision mins com Teacher uses the following exercise to help the students to revise the important expressions or phrases
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1. to know Cellular Mobile Telephone System Teaching 2. to understand the construction of cellular mobile telephone system Objectives
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Word13 multimedia[. mAl i''midjn.多媒体 describe[dis k]v.描述,形容 mixture['m tfan.混合,混合物 consequent['kon wan]a.作为结果的,随之发生的
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NEW WORDS AND PHRASES vISIonary[ vita n ari]n.幻想家,梦想家 contribute [kan tribju]v.捐献,贡献 kan]adv.重大的,效果显著的,具有特殊意义的
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11, Circuit Switching and Packet Switching destination[. de ti' n e i jan]n.目的地,终点 allocate[' aelak e i t]vt.分配,分派,配给 release[ri'li:s]vt.释放,放松,发布 Jargon[吗a:gan]n.行话,土语
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