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The term adverse selection comes originally from insurance applications. An insurance contract may attract high-risk individuals, with the result that the pool of insured customers may be riskier than the population at large Adverse selection is now used generically to describe situations of asymmet ric information, particularly market settings in which some individuals have private information about their characteristics and where the individuals
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the standard theory of co.apters 1 and 2 when we covered Modigliani-Miller As we discussed in the Ch apital structure that has been the mainstay of text- books is the trade-off theory This argues that the benefit of debt is the tax shield and the cost is the deadweight costs of bankruptcy. The tradi tional view was that these deadweight
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This paper is an updated version of a previous working paper, Capital Budgeting in the Presence of Managerial Overconfidence and Optimism, by the same authors. Financial support by the Rodney L. white Center for Financial Research is gratefully acknowledged. The authors would like to thank Andrew Abel, Jonathan Berk, Domenico Cuoco, David Denis, Janice Eberly, Robert Goldstein, Peter Swan, and seminar
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Topic 1: What is Corporate Finance?(cont 1 2 Financing Decisions In the previous section the focus was on investment decisions. It was assumed throughout that the firm was financed with equity. In this section we discuss financing decisions. As a prelude to this we will briefly discuss the notion of efficient
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第三章外部性理论 第一节外部性的定义 1.外部性的定义 外部性是在没有市场交换的情况下,一个生产单位的生产行为(或消费者的消费行为)影响了其他生产单位(或消费者)的生产过程(或生活标准),如果
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第二章微观经济学基础 第一节竞争市场与效率 1.微观经济学的四个基本假设: 1.1与市场的整体规模相比,各个生产者和消费者的规模必须很小,即市场是充分竞争的; 1.2生产者和消费者对现在和将来的价格有充分信息; 1.3私人成本和社会成本一致;
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第九章环境影响经济评价 引言 1.环境经济影响评价的意义 1.1传统的不足:传统的项目可行性研究对于环境影响最多只是定性描述,对环境影响没有价值计量,环境影响难于纳入常规的项目经济分析,从而对项目可行性决策产生影响不足
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第七章环境资源价值与费用效益分析 第一节费用效益分析的产生与发展 费用效益分析通过评价各种项目方案以及政策所产生的社会效益和消耗的社会成本,这其中也包括环境方面的效益和成本,权衡利弊,指导决策
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第五章物质平衡理论 第一节物质平衡的概念模型 1.从质量守恒定律的角度看待经济的生产和消费过程在经济系统中,生产活动和消费活动是在进行一系列的物理反应和化学反应,遵从质量守恒定律。严格说来,标准的经济学分配理论是关于服务的,而不是关于物质实体的。物质实体只是携带某种服务的载体
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第四章经济效率理论 第一节经济效率的实现 设在一个简单的经济系统中,有经济主体(厂商或消费者)1和2,并存在 两种资源:土地(L)和机器(M),生产且消费两种商品:
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