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◼ 自适应控制系统 ◼ 参考模型自适应控制系统 ◼ 具有被控对象数学模型在线辨识的自适应控制系统 ◼ 预测控制 ◼ 智能控制系统 ◼ 神经元网络控制 ◼ 模糊控制系统 ◼ 最优控制系统 ◼ 控制管理一体化
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• Overview of anode materials • Introduction of graphite • Chemistry of graphite • Molecular structure and Li insertion • Synthesis and modification methods • One literature example
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了解电解的基本原理,阳极、阴极、 电解质的概念; 理解水溶液电解过程的阳极反应和阴极 反应; 理解电解过程槽电压的概念; 掌握电流效率和电能效率的计算方法。 15.1 概述 15.2 阴极过程 15.3 阳极过程 15.4 电解过程 15.5 槽电压、电流效率和电能效率
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• Discovery • Chemistry of LiFePO4 • Molecular structure and Li diffusion • Advantages and disadvantages • Synthesis and modification methods • One literature example
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• Lithium-metal batteries • Safety problem • Lithium-ion batteries • Components, working mechanism • Cathode materials: LiFePO4 , Li-Mn-O
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• Important Terms of batteries • Why lithium batteries? • Necessity, and advantage • Different types of lithium batteries • Primary and secondary/rechargeable • Working mechanism • How they store charges
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 Definition of battery  Working mechanism  History of batteries  Technology development  Important types of batteries  Characteristics, Comparisons
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Part 1: Fuel Cell Characterization Part 2: Fuel Cell Voltage Part 3: Fuel Cell Efficiency Part 4: Butler-Volmer Equation Part 5: Electrical Conduction Part 6: Charge transport Part 7: Mass Transport
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物理学家介绍 法拉第(Michael Faraday,1791—1867) 英国物理学家和化学家, 电磁理论的创始人之一.他 创造性地提出场的思想, 最早引入磁场这一名称 .1831年发现电磁感应现象 ,后又相继发现电解定律 ,物质的抗磁性和顺磁性 ,及光的偏振面在磁场中 的旋转
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