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一、戴望舒简介 二、戴望舒诗歌 (一)从忧郁凄凉的呻吟到民族苦难的悲愤 1、忧郁孤寂的情感基调 2、民族苦难的悲愤 (二)民族化的象征主义 1、古典韵味与现代情绪 2、追求意象 3、从音乐性到非音乐性 三、关于《雨巷》
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主要内容: 一、《狂人日记》的思想深度 二、《狂人日记》的情感特征 三、《狂人日记》象征手法
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一、《子夜》对于中国社会的分析和认识 二、《子夜》的宏大叙事:史诗式的叙述方式
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一、沈从文及其文学风格 二、沈从文的文化选择 《边城》 一、乡土风俗与少女爱情 1、乡土风俗 2、爱情故事 二、古老而常新的梦幻世界 三、是对现代文明的反省和批判 四、田园抒情风格
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一、《沉沦》的思想 1、个性意识 2、民族意识 二、《沉沦》的感伤病态的抒情风格 1、自叙传 2、主观抒情性 《春风沉醉的晚上》 一、思想和情感 二、情感过程 三、被夸张的“穷”及其个性意识 四、知识分子的道德自卑
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一、心理深度 1、性压抑 2、金钱战胜情欲 3、心理变态 二、《红楼梦》的笔法 三、《金锁记》中的月亮
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一、课程总体设想 外国文学作品选是汉语言文学专业必修课程。本课程在第 3—4 学期开设, 共 64 学时。每学期课时为 32,周课时 2。 本课程精选世界文学史中具有经典意义的作家作品进行教学。基本思路是:
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1. Summary: (全文) One of Hemingway's war and love stories, this novel takes place in Italy during World War I and is tied closely to the author's own experience as an American Ambulance Driver for the Italian Army. The story opens during a lull (暂停)in the action and the reader meets a group of men who work with the wounded during battle. In the course of waiting for action, the protagonist, Henry, meets and courts(求爱) an English nurse stationed in Italy
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1. The Wild Honey Suckle (P29) The Wild Honey Suckle Philip Freneau Fair flower, that dost so comely grow, Hid in this silent, dull retreat, Untouched thy honied blossoms blow, Unseen thy little branches greet: No roving foot shall crush thee here, No busy hand provoke a tear. By Nature's self in whitearrayed, She bade thee shun the vulgar
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Part One: Early American Literature (1620-1770) Chapter 1: The Seventeenth Century Literature (also called the colonial literature) 1. American Puritanism: American Puritanism was one of the most enduring shaping influences in American thought and American literature. It has become, to some extent, so much a state of mind, rather than a set of tenets, so much a part of the national cultural atmosphere that the American breathes, that we may state with a degree of safety that, without some
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