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1. Introduction & background information 2. Translation and linguistics 3. Cognitive linguistics and translation 4. Relevant questions & answers
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Part I Translation techniques of dealing with words Part II Ways of translating some sentence patterns Part III Mistranslation and translation neglected
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• Ⅰ. Amplification in English-Chinese translation • Amplification means to add necessary words, phrases, clauses or sentences to the translated text in purpose of making it consistent with the target language in meaning, grammar and culture connotation. Amplification does not add new information to the message and only help understand the text. In this part we will analyze how to use amplification to achieve equivalence in English-Chinese translation in these three levels, i.e. syntactic, semantic, and rhetorical. • 1) Her tone was more friendly than David’s (tone). • 2) She sang her sweetest (song). • 3) Shall I write my name on, above or below the line?
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• Ⅰ. Reasons • Ⅱ.English passive: • Syntactic passive(结构被动) • Notional passive (意义被动) • E.g. • 1)She dressed beautifully. • (She is dressed beautifully.) • 2 )These products sell like hot cakes. (These products are sold like hot cakes. ) • Ⅲ. Chinese passive • Marked passive • Unmarked passive • Ⅳ. E-C Translation • 1. E:译为C的主动句或Unmarked passive • 2. E: 译为C的Marked passive • 3. E: 译为C的被动句的转化形式(Chinese passive may be expressed by other structure)
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• This chapter is chiefly concerned with the transformation rules between various parts of speech in English-Chinese translation, including the transformation of nouns, verbs, prepositions, adjectives, adverbs in English
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1. Introduction 3. The Pragmatic Role of the Notion of ‘Translation’ 2. Basics of Relevance Theory 4. Context-Based Problems in Translation 5. Conclusion
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• Ⅰ. Nida’s analysis of the process of translation • (1) analysis of the source text • (2) transfer from the source to the target language • (3) restructuring in the target language • (4) testing of the translated text with persons who represent the intended(future) audience
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I. Main Contents:Illocutionary force and translation II. Brief Introduction to Speech Act III. Speech Act Theory and Translation
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Chapter 7 Translation Translation is the conversion of the information in the nucleic acid sequence to polypeptides of a specific amino acid sequence
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 I. Denotative Meaning & Associative Meaning  1. Denotative meaning:  (also known as conceptual meaning) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of the word meaning. It forms the basis for communication as the same word has the same denotative meaning to all the speakers of the same language
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