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在单期证券市场模型中,证券只在期初交易一次。这种模型最适合于证券的风险与收益间的 关系以及风险的均衡配置中的证券的作用的研究 在单期模型中,所有的不确定性是一次解决的。更现实的是,假设不确定性是逐渐被解决的 随着不确定性的解决,代理人一次又一次地交易证券。本章和后面几章的多期模型允许不确定性 的逐步解决,以及当获得有关证券价格和支付的新信息时允许证券的再交易
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1.明确企业商业模式的基本内容以及企业电子商务的商业模式特征,特别是客户价值、 商业范围、收入来源及其定价等要素在企业电子商务的商业模式中的特征。能够借助企业商业模式的分析框架解剖现有电子商务企业的运行模式,具体分析不同类别的新型公司的盈利模式
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知识点 (1)单个高分子链的基本化学结构 (2)构型的概念: (3)构象的概念:
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第七章 橡胶弹性 第八章 聚合物的黏弹性 第九章 聚合物的力学性质 第十章 聚合物的电学性质 第十一章 聚合物的分析测试方法
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一、概述 急腹症是临床上一组常见病。病种多、起病 急、发展快、病情重、病因复杂是其特点。临 床实际工作中容易出现误诊、漏诊、错误治疗
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School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson notes Lesson 10 Understanding and Using Financial Statements Learning objectives 1. Describe the need and supply for financial statement analysis. 2. Learn basic financial statement analytical procedures
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Lesson 12: Internal Controls and Business Ethics Learning objectives 1.Explain the fundamental principles of internal control 2. Define, explain the purpose, and identify the principles of internal accounting control. 3. Apply internal control to cash. 4.Explain and record petty cash fund transactions
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Lesson Notes Lesson 14 Managerial Accounting: Applications Learning objectives 1. Describe segmented reporting and responsibility accounting system 2. Explain the main aspects of Cost-volume-profit analysis 3. Analyze budgeting and budgetary control
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Lesson notes Lesson 3: Analyzing and Recording Accounting Transactions Learning objectives 1. Provide the students with a background of the accounting process to better understand the numbers on the financial statements 2. Define the economic transactions and events that are included into our accounting considerations
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