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DEFINITION · An acute inflammatory process of the pan- creas usually associated with sever pain in the upper abdomen in most instances, blood levels of pancrea- tic enzymes are increased sever acute pancreatitis: organs failure and/or local complications(necrosis, absc- ess, psuedocyst)
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Summarization Definition: serum total bilirubin(STB)> 34umol/L. causing a yellow color of skin. sclera and tissue fluid Latent icterus: an increase of stb but not more than 34umol/L, without color changes of skin and sclera
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1熟悉肺癌的主要病因与分类。 2掌握肺癌的临床表现、分期与早期诊断 3掌握肺癌的主要治疗原则
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Chronic pulmonary heart disease Definition It is directly caused by chronic alterations in pulmonary circulation or chronic chest diseases that lead to pulmonary arterial hypertension, right ventricular enlargement, even right heart failure
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What is rA? Y RA is a chronic polyarticular inf lammatory arthritis that involves not only small joints of the hands and feet but also systemic organs Y Pathologic change: chronic synovitis with pannus (IfL
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一、概述 二、历史源流 三、范围 四、诊断要点 五、辨证论治
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一、概述 二、历史源流 三、范围 四、诊断要点 五、辨证论治
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Background Sedative-hypnotics are a group of drugs that cause cns depression Benzodiazepines(Bzd) the most commonly a barbiturates used agents nonbarbiturate nonbenzodiazepine sedative hypnotics(NBnB)
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一、概述 二、病因病机 三、诊治纲要 四、辨证论治 五、转归预后 六、预防调护 七、研究进展
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