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1. Basic Knowledge of GPS In 1973, DOd organized a Joint P Office (JPO) located at the U.S. Air Force Systems Command's Space The s Second Lecture Division, Los Angeles Air Force Base(AFB)to what?
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Outline Review u Examined basics of GPS signal structure and how gnal is tracked a Looked at methods used to acquire satellites and start g Today we look at
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Perigee and Apogee: The point of closest approach of the satellite with respect to the earth's center of mass is called perigee and the most distant position is the apogee. Nodes: The intersection between the equatorial and the nit sphere is termed the nodes, where the ascending node defines the northward
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1.1 Physical Fundamentals This attenuation is usually expressed in decibels (dB). By definition, an attenuation of n dB means signal propagation from the that the original field strength is decreased by ite to the user by means of factor of 10-0In electromagnetic waves. Such waves Physical quantities
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1. Errors related to GPs Satellites 2. Errors related to GPS signal propagation in atmosphere 3. Error related to gPs receivers Gv Principles of the Global Positioning System
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GPS定位的基本观测量是观测站(用户接收天线)至 GPS卫星(信号发射天线)的距离(或称信号传播路 径),它是通过测定卫星信号在该路径上的传播时间 (时间延迟)或测定卫星载波信号相位在该路径上的 变化周数(相位延迟)来导出的
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1卫星在空间绕地球运行时,除了受地球重力场的引 力作用外,还受到太阳、月亮和其它天体的引力影 响,以及太阳光压、大气阻力和地球潮汐力等因素 影响 口若假设地球引力场的影响为1,其它引力场的影响均小于 105
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1定位方法分类 按参考点的不同位置划分为 绝对定位(单点定位):在地球协议坐标系中,确定观测站相对地 球质心的位置
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一.天球坐标系空间固定的坐标系,该坐标系与地球自转无关,对描述卫星的运行位置和状态极其方便。 二.地球坐标系 与地球体相固联的坐标系统,该系统对表达地面观测站的位置和处理GPS观测数据尤为方坐标系统是由坐标原点位置、坐标轴指向和尺度所定义的
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1.1 Terminology Definitions 3. Point Positioning ys. Relative positioning The coordinates of a single point are determined when 1. Code Range vs, Carrier Phase Code measurements(meter level) Carrier phase measurements(millimeter range). Single point positioning
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