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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 2.1 A carbonyl group is=. Of the two carbonyl functions in prostaglandin E one belongs to the ketone family, the other to the carboxylic acids. Ketone OH Carboxylic acid functional group
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华南理工大学出版社:《食品生物化学 FOOD BIO-CHEMISTRY》课程教学资源(双语教材)第12章 蛋白质代谢
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 3.1 (b) The sawhorse formula contains four carbon atoms in an unbranched chain. The compound is butane, CH:CH,CH, CH3 CH3 HH H-H CH ()Rewrite the structure to show its constitution. The compound is
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 5.1 (b) Writing the structure in more detail, we see that the longest continuous chain contains four carbon atoms
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华南理工大学出版社:《食品生物化学 FOOD BIO-CHEMISTRY》课程教学资源(双语教材)第9章 人体生物学(2/2)
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 9.1 The reaction is an acid-base process; water is the proton donor. Two separate proton-transfer steps are involved
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assuming that there is no resonance stabilization in 1, 3,5-cycloheptatriene, we predict that its heat of hydrogenation will be three times that of cycloheptene or 330/mol (78.9 kcal/mol)
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5.1概述 (Generization) 5.2基本原理 (Basic Principles) 53仪器 (Instrument) 5.4分析方法 (Analytical Techniques)
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4.1分子荧光和磷光分析 (Molecular Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Analysis) 4.2化学发光分析 (Chemiluminescence Analysis)
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1.1光学分析法及其分类 (Optical Analysis and Its Types) 1.2电磁辐射的性质 (Properties of Electromagnetic Radiation) 1.3光谱法仪器 (Instruments for Spectrometry)
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