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剑桥(join in)版六年级英语下册_电子教案_Unit 5 I love reading_I love reading (Part 3,4)
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剑桥(join in)版六年级英语下册_电子教案_Unit 6 The world of my dreams_The world of my dreams (Part 1-3)
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This lecture, as well as the next, exemplify applications of the framework and techniques developed so far to problems of economic interest. Neither lecture attempts to cover the example applications in any generality, of course; you may however find these topics of sufficient interest to warrant further study
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Experiments show that a charged particle moving in a magnetic field experiences a force F=Q(v×B) Q-the charge of the particle, v-the velocity of the particle(vector), B-the magnetic field. there is also an electric field, the force acting on the particle is F=Q(E+v×B)
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Magnetization M The Equivalent Surface Current Density The Equivalent Volume Current Denisity Calculation of Magnetic Fields in Material Magnetic Field Intensity Ampere's Circuit Law Magnetic Susceptibility, Permeability Magnetization Curve Hysterisis
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Capacitance of An Isolated Conductor Capacitance btwn Two Conductors Potential Energy of a Charge Distribution Energy Density in an Electric Field Forces on Conductors
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概述 肝细胞结构与功能的异质性(heterogeneity) 原因 不同部位的肝细胞获得的氧和营养物 质具有差异。 以终末微血管为中轴,将肝小叶中的肝细 胞分为三条带: I带(门管周带periportal zone) Ⅲ带(小叶中心带centrolobular zone) Ⅱ带(介于I带与Ⅲ带之间)
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我们已经研究了矩形波导,对于圆波导的提出应 该有它的理由
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