在近些年的文章和著作中,笔者一直主张,为了区别与另外两个英文词“ regime”和 ystem”,应该把英文中的“ Institution”翻译为“制序”。笔者之所以一再坚持这一点 主要是考虑到,英文的“ institution”的基本涵义是“ the established order by which anything is regulated”,翻译成中文,这就是指“(由规则)调节着的建立起来的秩序”,因而它既 内含有现代汉语中的“制度”( rules and regulations-即规章、规则和约束)的含义,也 有中文中“秩序”( order-即一种事态即“ state of affairs”)的含义
英语作文开头写法大全 一、用于驳性和比较性论文 1. In general, I don't agree with 2. In my opinion, this point of view doesn't hold water. 3. The chief reason why... is that... 4. There is no true that... 5. It is not true that... 6. It can be easily denied than.. 7. We have no reason to believe that