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3 3ds max发展概况及硬件要求 1996年, Autodeskd公司在3 Studio 的基础上设计,是目前应用最为广泛的三 维设计软件之一。 如果主要用于建筑效果图制作,则 Pentium3的CPU、128M的内存、17英寸 显示器、1G的硬盘自由交换空间就可以
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Being aimed to developing intermetallic base structural materials to be worked at above 1000℃, a systematic investigation has been performed of the fundamental crystallographic structure, phase constitution map, density-composition dependence, oxidation resistance and general mechanical behaviour for the ternary intermetallic alloys in the Nb-Ti-Al system. Promissing results have been obtained at the initial stage in the current program. The 1100℃ high temperature strength at the strain rate of 10-2/s and 10-5/s for the ternary compound NbTiAl3 (γ1) base alloys are generally much higher than that of the binary compound TiAl (γ), especially in the γ1 + α2 phase region, it is as high as twice as that of TiAl. The densities are 4.1-4.79g/cm3, depending on relative amount of the intermetallics involved and the density difference between the intermetallics. The oxidation resistance at th
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以《无机物热力学数据库》为依据,给出了Pb、Sn、In、Ga、Ce 等化合物的△G°~T二项式和关系图。Sn及常量配比的Pb-Sn合金,经常温大气腐蚀、155℃干热大气腐蚀或水蒸汽腐蚀,表面腐蚀层用X光光电子能谱分析(XPS或ESCA)确定主要是SnO2(含有极少量的Pb3O4),此结果与热力学分析结果一致。Pb经155℃ 干热大气腐蚀,表面腐蚀区主要是Pb3O4。由热力学分析,提出了可能成为抗氧化Pb-Sn 焊料的掺杂元素
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为了降低2024铝合金在海水中的缝隙腐蚀敏感性,采用浸泡和动电位极化、电化学阻抗等研究了氯化镧(LaCl3)对该铝合金缝隙腐蚀行为的影响,并通过原子力显微镜对缝隙试样内、外腐蚀产物膜的形貌进行了观察.结果表明:当海水中LaCl3的质量浓度超过2.0 g·L-1以后,它能有效地减缓2024铝合金在海水中的缝隙腐蚀.这主要是因为LaCl3减缓了缝隙的阴极反应速率,降低了缝隙内、外的氧浓度差,且缝隙内、外生成的均匀致密的腐蚀产物膜降低了Cl-侵蚀性,这些因素抑制了缝隙的萌生与扩展,提高了2024铝合金在海水中的抗缝隙腐蚀能力
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4.4.1钻孔涌水量 钻孔涌水量应保持常量,其变化幅度不大于3%。 4.4.2抽水延续时间 抽水延续时间除满足表4-1的要求外,并可结合最远观测孔水位下降与时间关系曲线 S(或△)g来确定
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研究了泡沫镍载钌催化剂制备过程中,RuCl3溶液浓度、pH值和浸渍时间对催化剂性能的影响,以及反应放热与体系温度之间的关系.结果表明,当0.2 g泡沫镍在浓度为0.025 mol·L-1、pH值为5~7的RuCl3溶液中浸渍25 h后,制备出的催化剂在质量分数15%NaBH4、3%NaOH溶液中的平均制氢速率可达到600 mL·min-1.用该催化剂在20 mL NaBH4碱性溶液中使用时,水解放出的热量可使反应体系温度达到80℃
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The milks of all mammals contain lipids but the concentration varies widely between species from c. 2% to greater than 50%(Table 3. 1). The principal function of dietary lipids is to serve as a source of energy for the neonate and the fat content in milk largely reflects the energy requirements of the species, e.g. land animals indigenous to cold environments and marine
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This lecture: Mount pp 1-7, 29-35, 45-48, Next lecture: Mount pp 8-9, 65-89, 96-115, +more TheProteinDataBank(pdb-http.://ww.pdb.org/)isthesingle worldwide repository for the processing and distribution of 3-D biological macromolecular structure data Berman, H. M, J. Westbrook, Z Feng, G. Gilliland, T N. Bhat
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