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1-1引言(或热力学与低温技术的关系) 四个方面,边学边体会,课修完后可再来体 会
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1、何谓低温技术? 2、低温技术的应用领域,你对哪些领域感兴趣? 3、你对发展我国低温技术有何想法?
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0-3低温技术发展状况 低温技术的发展始于19世纪末
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一、圆管层流 二、圆管湍流 三、沿程水头损失系数
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一、水头损失产生的原因及分类 内因:流体的粘性 外因:固体边界的影响
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1.理想液体的运动方程式 2.实际液体的运动方程式
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Introduction All babies develop elevated serum bilirubin (SBR) levels, to a greater or lesser degree, in the first week of life. This is due to: increased production(accelerated RBC breakdown); decreased removal (liver enzyme insufficiency) Increased reabsorption(enterohepatic circulation)
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Bacteremia and Septicemia Bacteremia: a more benign infection with entrance of bacteria into the bloodstream, but in limited quantities. Septicemia: an overwhelming infection with more organism or more virulent organisms that is likely to lead to shock or other complications
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◆6.1串级控制 ◆6.2前馈控制 ◆6.3大纯滞后控制 ◆6.4计算指标控制 ◆6.5超驰控制系统 ◆6.6Bang-Bang控制 ◆6.7预测控制
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