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Prelude to Comprehensive Analysis Steps in Analyzing Financial Statements Explicitly define the analysis objectives Formulate specific questions and criteria consistent with the Macintosh PICT analysis objectives image format is not supported Identify the most effective and efficient tools of analysis
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电子科技大学:《公共政策分析 Analysis of Public Policy》课程教学资源(教学大纲,负责人:薛晓东)
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电子科技大学:《品牌管理 Brand management》课程教学资源(教学大纲,负责人:柴俊武)
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:803.5KB 文档页数:39
Earnings Persistence Recasting and Adjusting Earnings persistence is a key to effective equity analysis and valuation Analyzing earnings persistence is a main analysis objective
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Analyzing Profitability Focus of Profitability Analysis Profitability analysis is key part of financial statement analysis All financial statements are pertinent to profitability analysis Emphasis of profitability analysis is on the income statement
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电子科技大学:《工程伦理与学术道德》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第六章 土木工程的伦理问题
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1 工程师的伦理责任问题 2 工程师的职业伦理规范 3 案例分析
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4.1 工程活动中的环境伦理观念的确立 4.2 工程活动中的环境价值与伦理原则 4.3 工程师的环境伦理
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1 工程风险的来源及防范 2 工程风险的伦理评估 3 工程风险中的伦理责任
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