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• Complexity Challenge – CBD:分治,结构 – MBD:抽象,方法 • Integrate Models to DESIGN-BUILD-VALIDATE-VERIFY • Domain Specific Modeling Languages – Specification languages – UML – MARTE – AADL
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• 实时任务类型与约束模型 – Assumptions about task timing,interaction,。。。 • 任务调度算法Scheduling Algorithm – Scheduling mode and selection function • Timeliness:deadline,worst response time,。。。 • Efficiency:average response time,makespan – Prioritized goals • Temporal predictability first,performance second • 可调度分析Schedulability Test – Prediction of worst-case behavior – 基于CPU利用率(workload analysis) • for preemptive and strictly periodic tasks? – WCRT(Response time analysis) • for preemptively feasible task sets with D ≤ T
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• The Effects of Power • Low Power Design – DPM based low power optimization – DVS based low power optimization • ex: Program-level optimization for multimedia – ACPI:OS supported PM – ACPI:OS supported PM – 软硬件协同低功耗设计 • Power model: Power Analysis/Estimation Tek & Tools • Temperature Aware Design • Leakage Power • Case Study – Cache、Memory、Data Center、Handheld • Conclusion
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• 分布式实时系统 – Leslie Lamport • “A system is distributed if the message transmission delay is not negligible compared to the time between events in a single process.” [Lam78b]. • Real-Time Systems and Dependable Systems – Temporal properties • Timing constraints on interface, including ordering restrictions • 分布式通信协议 – OSI collapsed model – LIN/CAN • 时间同步 • TTP协议 • H. Kopetz. • P. Veríssimo and L. Rodríguez
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• 实时任务约束模型 – Assumptions about task timing, interaction • 任务调度算法Scheduling Algorithm – Scheduling mode and selection function • Timeliness: deadline,worst response time,。。。 • efficiency: average response time,makespan – Prioritized goals • Temporal predictability first,performance second • 可调度分析Schedulability Test – Prediction of worst-case behavior – 基于CPU利用率(workload analysis) • for preemptive and strictly periodic tasks? – WCRT(Response time analysis) • for preemptively feasible task sets with D ≤ T • Timing Analysis(WCET分析)
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中国科学技术大学:《嵌入式系统设计方法》课程教学资源(课件讲稿,第一版)04 实时系统设计(软件设计、控制系统、EA、语言)
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:86.5KB 文档页数:7
烟台理工学院:《嵌入式系统原理及应用》教学大纲 Principles and Applications of Embedded System
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:2.19MB 文档页数:79
一、纳米粒子 二、纳米粒子嵌入 三、纳米粒子在表面
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:109KB 文档页数:9
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