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一、组织的含义: (结构论)组织是为了达到某些特定的目标经由分工与合 作及不同层次的权力和责任制度,而构成的人的集合。① 组织必须具有目标②没有分工与合作也不能称其为组织③ 组织要有不同层次的权力与责任制度。 行为论)组织是两人或两人以上有意识加以协调的活动 的权力系统
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第1节旅游市场的概念、结构和细分 一、旅游市场的概念 旅游市场是旅游经济的重要范畴,它有广义、狭义之分: (1)广义的旅游市场是指在旅游产品交换过程中所反映的各种经济行为和经济关系的总和
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每天我们都要就如何配置稀缺的钱和时间作出无 数个抉择。我们应该吃早餐,还是应该睡懒觉呢? 傍晚用来读书还是用来打游戏呢?买一辆新车还是 修理我们的旧车呢?用掉我们的收人还是储蓄起来 以备他日之用呢?当我们平衡各种需求和欲望之时 ,我们就作出了决定自己生活方式的选择
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综合与分析是相反的一个命题 分析: 已知系统结构和参数及外输入作用, 研究系统运动的定性行为(如能控性、能观测性、 稳定性等)和定量的变化规律
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状态空间描述的建立为分析系统的行为和特性提供了可能性。 进行分析的目的:揭示系统状态的运动规律和基本特性
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Organizational Structure and Design Manager Subordinate Subordinate Subordinate Organizational Design Purposeful and goal-oriented process Decisions/actions to predetermine the way employees do their work Organizational structure Relatively stable relationships and processes of the organization
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Communication Defined The transmission of information and understanding through the use of common symbols from one person to another Common symbols may be
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Leadership Defined The process of influencing other to facilitate the attainment of organizationally relevant goals. Three Important Variables People Who are being lead Task What people are performing Environment
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Contemporary Perspective on Intergroup Conflict CONFLICT FUNCTIONAL DYSFUNCTIONAL Confrontation between Confrontation or groups that enhances interaction between and benefits the groups that harms the
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Stress: A Stimulus or Response Stimulus Response Treats stress as some The consequence of the characteristic or interaction between and event that may result
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