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1.零息票国债 2.按揭贷款证券化 3.垃圾债券 4. LYONs的创新 5.契约终止 6.存架登记 7.浮动利率优先股和反向浮动利率债券
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:657.5KB 文档页数:38
1. Delta 2. Theta 3. Gamma 4. Vega 5. Rho 6. Portfolio Insurance
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Job Design Defined Job Design Decisions Trends in Job Design Work Measurement Basic Compensation Systems Financial Incentive Plans OBJECTIVES
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Agenda Introduction Your team Your S&P 500 company Your feed back (FCF 2004 and WACC% of your team’s company) Introduction Dividend Policy (ch. 15) Your homework… In the news…
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:851.32KB 文档页数:19
1. 零息票国债 2. 按揭贷款证券化 3. 垃圾债券 4. LYONs的创新
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:898.99KB 文档页数:13
1. 期权简史 2. 股票期权 3. 机构安排与交易制度 4. 期权风险特征 5. 期权价值的决定因素
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:372.09KB 文档页数:7
1. Delta 2. Theta 3. Gamma 4. Vega 5. Rho
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:524.19KB 文档页数:6
1. 股价过程 2. BSM随机微分方程 3. 风险中性定价 4. B-S期权定价公式 5. 标的资产支付连续红利情况下的期权定价
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Balance sheet Income statement Statement of cash flows Accounting income versus cash flow MVA and EVA Personal taxes Corporate taxes
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Plans: strategic, operating, and financial Pro forma financial statements Sales forecasts Percent of sales method Additional Funds Needed (AFN)formula
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