13.1 第13、14、15族元素概述 Generality of the groups 13-15 elements 13.2 硼 Boron 13.3 铝 Aluminum 13.4 碳 Carbon 13.5 硅 Silicon 13.6 氮 Nitrogen13.7 磷 Phosphorus 13.8 长周期元素的重要化学现象及重 要反应 The important chemical phenomenons & reactions of long -period elements
11.1 氧化还原反应的条件电势 Conditional electric potential of oxidation-reduction reaction 11.2 滴定曲线和指示剂 Titration curve and indicator 11.3 重要的氧化还原滴定法 Important oxidationreduction titration
8.3 水解 Hydrolysis 8.1 弱酸、弱碱水溶液的质子转移平衡 The transfer equilibrium of the proton in weak acid and base aqueous solution 8.2 计算溶液的H3O+浓度的精确式、近似 式和最简式 Exact formula,approximation formula and simplest formula of calculating c(H3O+) in solution 8.4 缓冲溶液 Buf er solution 8.5 酸碱滴定原理 Principle of acid-base titration 8.6 滴定方式和应用实例 Titration methods and application examples