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1. General studies of the peptide bond 1.1 The peptide(O=C-N-H) bond was found to be shorter than the C-N bond in a simple amine and atoms attached are coplanar. 1.1.1 This was revealed by X-ray diffraction studies of amino acids and of simple dipeptides and tripeptides. 1.1.2 The peptide (amide) bond was found to be about 1.32 A (C-N single bond, 1.49; C= double bond, 1.27), thus having partial double bond feature (should be rigid and unable to rotate freely)
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1. 烷、烯、炔的结构特征与反应性 2.立体结构表示、构象与构型 3.开链烃的命名 4.烷烃化学性质 5.烯烃、炔烃化学性质 6.二烯烃化学性质
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Biological Membranes and Transport Biological membranes are made of a lipid bilayer decorated with various proteins and/or carbohydrates. Membranes define the external boundaries of cells and regulate the molecular traffic across that boundary In eukaryotic cells, membranes also divide the internal space into discrete compartments to segregate processes and components
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Chapter Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins 0. General Introduction Proteins are polymers(多聚体) of amino acids. -20 amino acids(氨基酸)→ millions of proteins with different properties and activities. Protein structures are studied at primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary levels. -a helix, B sheets, globular, complexes, denaturation and folding. Proteins have widely diverse forms and functions
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第一节 概述 第二节 氨基酸 第三节 蛋白质的一级结构 第四节 蛋白质的空间结构与功能 第五节 蛋白质的重要理化性质 第六节 蛋白质相对分子量的测定
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一、填空题 1.氨基酸的等电点(pI)是指________________。 2.氨基酸在等电点时,主要以________________离子形式存在,在 pH>pI的溶液中,大部分以________________离子形式存在,在 pH
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噬菌体T,DNA长约50um E -coli- DNA长约1mm 人生殖细胞DNA长约1m 双链环状DNA(double stranded cyclic DNA, DSCDNA 双链环状DNA在自然界是广泛存在的如一些病毒DNA、 一些噬菌体DNA、细菌质粒DNA、线粒体和叶绿体DNA等
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Gene mutation and evolution Gradual accumulation of mutations over long periods of time results in new biological species, each with a unique DNA sequence. Mutations and stabilization of mutations to new species. Charles Darwin: Unifying evolution theory-the origin of species from a common ancestor
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Histones vs Nonhistone Histones are small, very basic proteins rich in lysine and arginine. The histones are the basic building blocks of chromatin structure. The nucleoids of prokaryotic cells also have proteins associated with DNA, but these proteins are quite different from the histones and do not seem to form a comparable chromatin structure. Nonhistone chromosomal proteins-The histones are accompanied
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1掌握反映体液及酸碱平衡状况的各项指标的含义,正常值 2掌握几种脱水与钾钠紊乱及四种单纯型ABD和混合型ABD概念及英文词汇 3掌握几种脱水与钾钠紊乱及四种单纯型ABD的原因和机制,机体的代偿调节,血气检测特点,对机体的影响 4掌握ABD类型的判断方法(一划五看)与血气分析的基本原理 5了解四种单纯型ABD的防治原则,了解混合型ABD的类型及血气检测特点
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