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47.1 Introduction 47.2 SAW Material Properties 47.3 Basic Filter Specifications 47.4 SAW Transducer Modeling The SAW Superposition Impulse Response Transducer
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24.1 Junction Field-Effect Transistors JFET Biasing Transfer Characteristics. JFET Output Domai Resistance. Source Follower. Frequency and Time-Domain Response. Voltage-Variable Resistor 24.2 Bipolar Transistors Biasing the Bipolar Transistor Small-Signal Operation. A Small- Signal Equivalent Circuit.low -Frequency- Performancethe
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Thermal Oxidation. Diffusion. Ion Implantation.Deposition. Harold G. Parks Lithography and Pattern Transfer The University of Arizona, Tucson 23.2 Testing Built-In Self-Test- Scan. Direct Access Testing ng· Joint TestAction
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本章重点学习计算机网络工程基础知识,了解“计算机就是网络”的真正含义,掌握计算机网络的主要功能,理解网络的分类形式,了解计算机网络的五种结构,重点掌握总线型、星型及网络设备的使用。 1. 熟悉计算机网络的概念 2. 了解计算机网络的分类 3. 掌握数据通信的相关技术 4. 认识计算机网络设备
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Gennady Sh. Gildenblat 22.1 Physical Properties The Pennsylvania State University Energy Bands- Electrons and Holes. Transport Properties.Hall Boris Gelmont Effect. Electrical Breakdown. Optical Properties and University of Virginia
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21.1 MATLAB Environment 21.2 Example 1: Signal Analysis Delores M. Etter 21.3 Example 2: Filter Design and Analysis
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