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5.1 Introduction Non-migratory bioactive polymers (NMBP)are a class of polymers that possess biological activity without the active components migrating from the polymer to the substrate. This concept has existed for some time (Bachler et al., 1970; Brody and Budny, 1995; Katchalski-Katzir 1993) and has been applied primarily to immobilised enzyme
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The best known and most widely used active packaging technologies for foods today are those engineered to remove undesirable substances from the headspace of a package through absorption, adsorption or scavenging. To achieve this goal a physical or chemical absorbent or adsorbent is incorporated in the packaging material or added to the package by means of a sachet. In most publications
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2.1 Introduction: the role of packaging in the food chain Packaging has a significant role in the food supply chain and it is an integral part both of the food processes and the whole food supply chain. Food packaging has to perform several tasks as well as fulfilling many demands and requirements. Traditionally, a food package makes distribution easier. It has protected food from environmental conditions, such as light, oxygen, moisture, microbes, mechanical stresses and dust. Other basic tasks have been to ensure adequate labelling for providing information e.g., to the customer, and a proper convenience to the consumer, e.g., easy opening, reclosable lids and a suitable dosing mechanism. Basic requirements are good marketing properties
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一、填空题 1.螺杆式供送装置可分为(),(),() 2.液体产品按其粘度可分为()()() 3.供瓶机构的关键问题是瓶的()() 4.液体产品一般采用()定量法常用的有 ()(),()
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第一节概述 第二节作往复运动的裹包执行机构的设计
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第一节卷封的基本原理及机构的设计 第二节卷封机构的运动设计
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商品检验(Commodity Inspection) 国家设置的检验管理机构或政府认可的民间公 证鉴定机关对国际贸易中的商品进行品质、数 量、包装、卫生、安全及残损、短缺的检验和 鉴定,根据检验结果出具商检证书。 国际贸易合同中的商检条款内容 通常包括对商检时间、地点、检验机关、检验 证书等内容的规定
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2.1物流的动脉运输 2.2物流的中心-保管 2.3物流的接口-装卸搬运 2.4物流的起点-包装 2.5物流的中枢神经-物流信息 2.6物流的价值新途径-流通加工
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食品卫生学是食品质量与安全专业的专业课程,通过本课程的教学,以培养学生从饮食 卫生的观点出发,掌握食品三大污染及其预防、食品添加剂及管理、各类食品卫生及管理、 包装材料及其管理的基本理论和基本技能,了解学科发展方向,结合生产生活实际,预防食 品污染和食物中毒以提高健康水平,增进人民体质。教学过程中要加强科学思维方法与基本 技能训练,培养学生对该专业实际食品卫生问题的具有分析,解决及卫生监督管理的能力, 为今后独立工作奠定坚实的基础
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《食品理化检验》是一门应用物理、化学检测手段对食品中与营养、卫生指标有关的化 学物质进行监测和检验,从而对食品的品质及其变化进行评定和研究的科学。该课程的教学 目的是为适应国家建设与促进国内外贸易的需要,为发展食品工业,保障人民身体健康的需 要,培养本专业的学生基本掌握食品生产过程的原辅料、半成品及最终产品的质量检验技术, 并具备对食品产品进行质量控制和评定的能力,使其将来能更好地为保证食品质量,改进食 品生产工艺、包装、贮运技术,开发新食品资源及试制新产品服务,为有效地推动食品卫生 法的贯彻执行服务
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