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13.1 Who should we short-list? Listening¬e- -taking A. Before you listen to the recording, look at this advertisement and decide what kind of person the advertiser is looking for. Highlight the important points in the ad. Assistant Marketing Manager We are a well-known international
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Prepositional phrases Fill in gaps in these sentences with a suitable noun and prepositional phrase. The first one is done for you as an example. of inferior quality of minor importance of short duration out of date out of order our of stock out of work to a certain extent
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利用网络进行市场信息的检索实例 利用网络进行市场信息的检索是一个相当复杂且难度很大的工作。本实例以安徽安特 酒集团利用互联网开拓欧美市场的成功经验为例,详细介绍网络信息检索在商务活动中 的实际操作
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There are many ways of attracting customers to your product and keeping your brand name in the public eye. Fill the gaps with suitable words from the list below Packaging Personal selling Point of sale advertising Public relations licity Sales literature Showrooms Sponsorship Telephone sales Trade fairs and exhibitions Word of mouth
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某金属电子商务网总体设计 1.背景介绍 作为我国的基础产业之一的冶金行业,在国民经济中占有重要地位,特别是金属产业 的开发、交易和利用始终是一个重要的课题。金属类产品(包括矿产品、半成品和成品) 的贸易业务包括国内贸易业务、进出口业务,以及国内外金属交易所的现货
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3.1 Telephone techniques Listening You'll hear part of a talk in which a training officer is giving advice to some trainees on telephone techniques. Listen to the recording and fill the gaps in this summary: 1. Identify yourself by giving your name and your in the company
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ebXML应用实例 目前,以 ebXML为基础的商务协作主要是试验性项目。总体来说,世界上已成功完 成的 ebXML试验性项目还比较少,但这些项目基本上都取得了成功,达到预期的效果。 EbXMSTEEL24成功应用的一个例子是“24-7” STEEL2424-7是一个欧洲钢铁工业因 特网平台,由 Arcelor、 Corus and ThyssenKrupp Steel三大钢铁公司创立。该网站的网络通 信中心为钢铁工业的买卖双方提供信息
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中国内地第一笔因特网上的电子交易 1998年3月18日,北京友谊宾馆友谊宫内,世纪互联通讯技术有限公司的白小姐, 面对首都多个新闻单位的记者宣布:中国内地第一笔因特网电子交易成功为本次交易提 供网上银行服务的是中国银行,扮演网上商家的是世纪互联通讯有限公司
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查找原材料生产企业报价——以阿里巴巴为例 查找原材料生产企业的报价,有多种方式。在这里我们选择在专营贸易的网站中比较 出色的阿里巴巴(htpwww. (http: //www.alibaba.com/))做一下简介。阿里巴巴有中文和英文两个版 本,在两种版本上都是既可以进行跨国采购,又可以进行国内采购
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