59.1 Introduction 59.2 Fossil Power Plants Fuel Handling Boiler.Turbine.Generator. Electric System· Condenser Stack and Ash Handling·Cooling and Feedwater System 59.3 Nuclear Power Plants
Overview of Pulsed Radars. Critical Subsystem Design and Josh T.Nessmith Technology. Radar Performance Prediction.Radar Georgia Tech Research Institute Waveforms. Detection and Search Estimation and Tracking
Ray Theory. Wave Equation for Dielectric Materials. Modes in Slab California Polytechnic State University Waveguides. Fields in Cylindrical Fibers. Modes in Step-Index Fibers. Modes in Graded-Index Fibers. Attenuation. Dispersion Allen H. Cherin and Pulse Spreading Lucent Technologies
R. Ramakumar Oklahoma State University 60.1 Distributed Power Generation Allen M.Barnett Photovoltaics- Wind-Electric Conversion. Hydro AstroPower, Inc. Geothermal. Tidal Energy. Fuel Cells.Solar-Thermal-Electric
57.1 Introduction 57.2 Classification of Magnetooptic Effects David Young Faraday Rotation or Magnetic Circular Birefringence.Cotton- Rockwell Semiconductor Systemns Mouton Effect or Magnetic Linear Birefringence. Kerr Effects
56.1 Introduction 56.2 Physical Sensors Temperature Sensors.Displacement and Force. Optical Radiation 56.3 Chemical Sensors Ion-Selective Electrode. Gas Chromatograph 56.4 Biosensors
54.1Introduction 54.2 Polar Dielectrics Roger W.Whatmore 54.3 The Pyroelectric Effect Cranfield University 54.4 Pyroelectric Materials and Their Selection 54.1 Introduction
53.1 Introduction Terry P. Orlando 53.2 General Electromagnetic Properties Massachusetts Institute of 53.3 Superconducting Electronics Technology 53.4 Types of Superconductors 53.1 Introduction The fundamental idea behind all of superconductorsu' properties is that superconductivity is quantum