一、质点的角动量定理和角动量守恒定律 (The angular momentum theorem & The law of angular momentum conservation of a mass point) 1 质点的角动量(The angular momentum of a mass point) 质量为m的质点以速度v在空间运动,某时刻相对原点O 的位矢为r,质点相对于原点的角动量
一、时间与空间(Time and space 在两个作相对运动的参考系中,时间的测量是 绝对的,空间的测量也是绝对的,与参考系无关. In two reference frmaes moving relative to each other along a straight line, the measurement of time is absolute, and the measurement of space is also absolute regardlessof the reference frmae 时间和长度的的绝对性是经典力学或 牛顿力学的基础