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1、击球前的准备姿势和连续击球间的身体姿态 2、连续推挡球技术 3、教学比赛
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:105KB 文档页数:3
1、介绍击球的三个时期 2、推挡球技术 3、身体素质练习 4、提高学生身体灵敏性、培养学生机智品质
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:757KB 文档页数:28
微生物生态学 研究处于环境中的微生物,和与微生 物生命活动相关的物理、化学和生物等 环境条件,以及它们之间的相互关系的 科学
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Introduction to soil science By Genxing pan Department of Soil Science, Inst Resources, Ecosystem Environment of Agriculture(Ireea) www.ireea.kyig.njau.edu.cn
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Section 1 The chemical and mineral constitutes of soil parent minerals The chemical constitutes of soil parent minerals
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HOME BACK FORWARD! PRINT SEARCH EXI INTRODUCTION Major soils of the world ORGANIC SOILS Mineral soils World Reference base for soil resources: atlas
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Section 1 Soil air 一、 Composition of soil air Compare soil air with atmosphere( Volume % Atmosphere
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Section 1 Soil colloidal surface nature Surface types of the soil colloid (一) Siloxane surface (二) Hydrous oxide surface (三)Organic matter surface
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一、水稻叶部病害 1 稻瘟病
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