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Chapter 15: Temperature and the Ideal Gas Law了解) 1.平衡态(thermal equilibrium) 2. The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics If two systems are in thermal equilibriu with a third system, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other. 3.系统平衡态的宏观状态参量 Equation of state, equilibrium states 4. Absolute Temperature (Kelvin scale) T=273.15+t
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•§ 10-2 Magnetic Field Gauss’law in Magnetic Field 磁感应强度 磁场的高斯定理 •§ 10-1 Magnetic Phenomena Ampere’s Hypothesis 基本磁现象 安培假说 •§10-3 Boit-Savart Law &Its Application 毕奥 – 萨伐尔定律及其应用 •§ 10-4 Ampere’s Law & Its Application 安培环路定理及其应用
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一、内能(状态量) 实验证明系统从A状态变化到B状态,可以采 用做功和传热的方法,不管经过什么过程,只要始 末状态确定,做功和传热之和保持不变
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一、选择题(共30分) 1(本题3分) 一质点作直线运动,某时刻的瞬时速度v=2m/s,瞬时加速度a=-2m/s2,则一秒钟后质点的速度
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I. Choose the Correct Answer 1. A particle moves with position given by r ti j = 3 ˆ + 4 ˆ v , where r v is measured in meters when t is measured in seconds. For each of the following, consider only t > 0. The magnitude of the angular momentum of this particle about the origin is ( B )
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一位移(displacement)与路程(path) 位置矢量的变化量,称为位 y L 移矢量,简称位移。如图所 示,经过时间间隔Δt后,位 A△B 置矢量由变到,位移
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一、 一块边长为 97.6mm 的方孔口径的光 栅,其每个透光狭缝宽度 a=0.244 ,光栅周期 d=0.976 。光栅放在一焦距 =97.6cm 的会聚 透镜的前面,透镜口径比光栅口径大。用波 长 =0.488 的单色平行光束垂直照射该光 栅,光束充满该光栅口径。试解下列问题:
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Physics 121, Sections 9, 10, 11, and 12 Lecture 5 Today's Topics Homework 2: Due Friday Sept 16@6: 00PM Ch.3:#2,11,18,20,25,32,36,46,50,and56 Chapter 3: Forces and motion along a line Motion with constant acceleration Falling objects Apparent weight
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4-1 Momentum Impulse Momentum Theorem动量冲量动量原理 4-2 Conservation of Momentum动量守恒定律 4-3 Collision碰撞 4-4 Angular Momentum of a Particle and Conservation of Angular Momentum质点对定点的角动量角动量守恒定律
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The zeroth law of thermodynamics: The expression of the fundamental experiment fact. The first law of thermodynamics: The a statement of conservation of energy for pure thermodynamic system. The second law of thermodynamics: Why we need the second law of thermodynamics?
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