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课前思考: 1、逐条输入词条到术语库中效率较低,如何改进这一现象? 2、批量输入词条时,如何能避免相同词条的重复输入? 3、如何进行术语库的维护?
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课前思考: 1、翻译记忆库和术语库在实际翻译过程中是如何辅助译者的? 2、如何在翻译记忆库中搜索一个表达的翻译? 3、如何在翻译的过程中往术语库中添加新术语?
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1 电子商务 2 电子政务 3 电子医务 4 电子教务 5 CIMS 6 地理信息系统 7 MRP与ERP
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5–1 频率响应的概念 5–2 单级共射放大器的高频响应 5–3 共集电路的高频响应 5–4 共基电路的高频响应 5–5 差分放大器的频率响应 5–6 场效应管放大器的高频响应 5–7 放大器的低频响应 5–8 多级放大器的频率响应 5–9 建立时间tr与上限频率fH的关系 5–10 举例及计算机仿真
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Intro Threading Safety Solutions 1 Introduction and expectations Scope : what is parallelism ? Finding parallelism Expectations 2 Threading, theory and practice Processes and threads Python threading C ++threading and async 3 Thread-safety issues Data races Thread safety 4 Thread-safety solutions Avoid the problem Replicate Atomics Locking
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1 Why python and C++ Pros and Cons of each language Respective usecases 2 C ++getting usable Language “simplifications” Making bad code harder to write 3 Performant C++ New performance related features Templates Avoiding virtuality when possible 4 Migrating from Python 2 to python 3 Tour of python 3 changes How to support both versions How to migrate 5 Conclusion
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1 Measuring Performance What is performance ? Tools available Finding bottlenecks 2 Code modernization 3 Improving Memory Handling Context Containers and memory Container reservation Detecting offending code 4 The nightmare of thread safety Context and constraints Identifying problems Solving problems Thread contention 5 Low level optimizations Scope and target How to measure ? Improving Vectorization promises 6 Conclusion
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13.1.1 VB.NET简介 13.1.2 VB.NET可视化集成开发环境 13.1.3 VB.NET中面向对象的基本概念 13.1.4 创建一个简单的应用程序实例 13.2 VB.NET基本语法 13.3 窗体与常用控件 13.4 VB.NET程序调试和排错
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3.1.1 面向对象程序设计基本概念 3.1.2 类的UML图
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Principle 1: Securing the weakest Principle 2: Defense in depth Principle 3: Secure failure Principle 4: Least privilege (cont.) Principle 5: Compartmentalization Principle 6: Simplicity Principle 7: Promote privacy Principle 8: Hard to hide secrets Principle 9: Be Reluctant to Trust Principle 10: Use Community Resources Principle 11: Minimize Attack Surface Principle 12: Don’t mix data & code Principle 13: Clearly Assign Responsibilities Principle 14: Identify Your Assumptions Principle 15: Audit Your System Principle 16: Have Good Usability
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