1. D: Interpretation of Entropy on the Microscopic Scale- The Connection between Randomness and entropy 1. D I Entropy Change in Mixing of Two ldeal gases Consider an insulated rigid container of gas separated into two halves by a heat conducting partition so the temperature of the gas in each part is the same. One side contains air, the other side another gas, say argon, both regarded as ideal gases. The mass of gas in each side is such
PaRT 1. THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS l.A. Background to the second Law of Thermodynamics AW 23-31(see IAW for detailed VwB&s references); VN Chapters 2, 3, 4 1-A. I Some Properties of engineering Cycles; Work and Efficiency As motivation for the development of the second law, we examine two types of processes that
1. C Applications of the Second Law N-Chapter6;VWB&S-8.1,8.2,8.5,8.6,8.7,8.8,9.6] 1. CI Limitations on the work that Can be supplied by a heat engine The second law enables us to make powerful and general statements concerning the maximum work that can be Q1
1970年,美国危重病医学学会(Society of critical care medicine). 加强医疗单位(intensive care unit,ICU)是危 重病医学的临床基地,是医院中危重患者集 中治疗的场所。 我国ICU建立于80年代初,1991年11月由中 华外科杂志等单位牵头在北京举办了首届加 强医疗研讨会