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高等数学 力学 热学 电磁学 光学 无机化学 有机化学 分析化学 人体及动物生理学 生物化学 植物学 植物生理学 环境科学概论 中学科学教育概论 自然科学技术史 科学技术与社会 中学教育科研方法 多媒体课件制作 物理课程与教学论 数学物理方法 热力学与统计物理学 电动力学 化学课程与教学论 高等无机化学 中学生物学教学法 细胞生物学 遗传学 生态学 分子生物学 微生物学
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藻类植物整个藻体都能吸收营养制造有机物质 ,不需要高等植物那样花相当多的能量消耗在 支持器官上。藻类植物体形态多样,许多种类 要用显微镜或电镜才能观察清楚。形态结构、 繁殖方法也简单。通常以细胞分裂为主,当环 境条件适宜、营养物质丰富时,藻体个体数的 增长非常快速。藻类分布十分广泛,各种水域 中均有。有些种类在小水体和浅水湖泊中常大 量繁殖,使水体呈现色彩,这一现象称为“水 华”(water bloom)有些种类在海水中大量繁 殖,形成“赤潮”(red tide)
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一、二烯烃的分类 脂肪烃分子中含有两个碳碳双键的烃称为二烯烃。根据两个双键的相对位置可把二烯烃分为三类:
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Carboxylic acids are just one member of a class of acyl derivatives, RCOY, where the acyl group is bonded to an electronegatives substituent -Y that can act as a leaving group in substitution reactions. Numerous acyl derivatives are possible, but we’ll be concerned only with four of the more common ones, in addition to carboxylic acids themselves: acid halides, acid anhydrides, esters, and amides
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7.1 芳香烃的分类 结构及命名 Classification, Structures and Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds 7.2 芳香烃的来源及物理性质 Sources and Physical Properties of Aromatic Hydrocarbons
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10.3 The Reactions of Alkanes with Halogens 10.3 A Multiple Substitution Reactions Versus Selectivity 10.4 Chlorination of Methane:Mechanism of Reaction
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Conjugated unsaturated systems have a p orbital on a carbon adjacent to a double bond The p orbital can come from another double or triple bond The p orbital may be the empty p orbital of a carbocation or a p orbital with a single electron in it (a radical)
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A hydrocarbon whose molecules contain two double bonds is called an alkadiene(alkatriene for three double bonds); A hydrocarbon with two triple bonds is called an alkadiyne; A hydrocarbon with a double and triple bond is called an alkenyne
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A UV-Vis spectrophotometer measures the amount of light absorbed at each wavelength of the UV and visible regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. λmax— the wavelength of maximum absorption
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