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September 12, 2001 The Problem of Evil Last time we considered the ontological argument for the existence of God. If the argument is cogent, then we have reason to be rational theists, i.e., to maintain that there are justifying reasons for belief in God's existence. Today we're going to consider an argument for atheism which purports to show that theism is incoherent, i.e., that theism entails a contradiction. If the argument works, then the only option available to the theist would be irrational theism: belief in God's existence in spite of justifying reasons supporting
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一判断题:(7×2分=14分) (1)幂级数在收敛区间内每一点绝对收敛。(√) (2)若为点集E的聚点一的任意邻域内均含有E中异于的点。(√)
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1.若某系统在阶跃输入作用r(t=1()时,系统的零初始条件下的输出响应为: c(t)=1-2e-2+e2, 试求:系统的传递函数和脉冲响应.(10分)
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一、若某系统在阶跃输入作用r(t)=1(t)时,系统在零初始条件下的输出响应为 c()=1-2e2+e-,试求系统的传递函数和脉冲响应。(15分) 设线性系统结构如图:
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1.按定积分定义证明:kdx=k(b-a) 2.通过对积分区间等分分割,并取适当的点集{},把定积分看作是对应的积分和的极限, 来计算下列定积分: (2)e'dx; (3)e*dx (4)(a
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Ch. 20 Processes with Deterministic Trends 1 Traditional Asymptotic Results of OlS Suppose a linear regression model with stochastic regressor given by Y=x!3+e,t=1,2,…,T,;B∈R or in matrix form y=xB+E We are interested in the asymptotic properties such as consistency and limiting
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一.研究对象:大量粒子组成的体系 子系近独立:粒子相互作用能<<粒子自身能量:E≈ΣE粒子间微弱相互作用能够使其在足够长时间内实现平衡
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一、填空题(共17题45分) 1.5分(4692) 4692 测得电池Pt,H2(p)l.1 mol-kg)gCl(s)Ag()在298K时的E=0.3524V,又已知: E(AgCI Ag)=0.2223V,则该HCl溶液的a士= : y+. ,溶液的 pH=
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一、填空题(共17题45分) 1.5分(4258) 4258 某电池在p3时电动势与温度的关系为E/mV=-68.00-0.312(T/K-298) 298K时电池的电动势E=
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表明X(s)就是对x()e所做的傅立叶变换。由于e的引入,就 可以通过适当选择σ,使原来傅立叶变换不收敛的信号,其拉氏变换 存在。因此拉氏变换比傅立叶变换收敛性强,应用范围更广它是傅 立叶变换地推广
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