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Chap. 14: Energy in Thermal Processes Solids, liquids or gases have internal energy t Kinetic energy from random motion of molecules translation rotation vibration
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Announcements Homeworks posted on WedAssign You need to register($10.00 by credit card) go to ww. webassign. net and log in >)username: first letter of first name plus last name
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 Helmholtz Equation  Gaussian beam  Bessel beam  Airy beam  Mathieu and Weber beam  Plasmonic counterpart
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Concepts Basic principles Surface Plasmon SPP at flat metal surfaces Optical excitation of SPP Localized Surface plasmon (LSP) Application of SPP Metamaterial Artificial Magnetism Negative Index Material (NIM) Transformation Optics Illumination Optics Summary
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一、功和功率 二、动能定理 三、保守力和势能 四、能量守恒定律及其应用
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前例中表示相对通过质心的轴的转动惯量,J表 示相对通过棒端的轴的转动惯量
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北京航空航天大学:Weyl Semimetals and Holography(讲稿)
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11.1麦克斯韦方程组 11.2加速运动电荷辐射电磁波 11.3平面电磁波 11.4电磁波的能量和动量
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平面简谐波———波阵面为平面的简谐波 一、平面简谐波的波函数的建立
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9.1磁介质对磁场的影响 9.2分子的磁矩 9.3磁介质的磁化 9.4H的环路定理 9.5铁磁介质 9.6简单磁路
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